“PODCAST CCLXVII: Arise to Your Resting Place – Psalm 132:8” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

It is the podcasting of the article by the same name, which is #131.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, or under Recent Articles on the main page. This is a very important podcast! It is what’s happening now in a nutshell.

If ever we need to be a Set-Apart Place for the indwelling of Yahuwah, it is now. In Ezekiel 11:23, we see that Yahuwah had to arise off of His dwelling place over the Ark because of the corruption of the priesthood, and of the people in general as they kept up a form of Torah worship, yet they were pagans in heart and outward worship. The priests did not see Him ascend. They were too busy worshipping the sun god, as the sun rose over the top of the Mount of Olives. They wanted Him to join them in their pagan worship of the rising sun god – i.e. “they put the branch to His nose.” Ezekiel 8: They worshipped many gods. Today, Jewish the rabbis of Talmudic Judaism worship many gods of Kabbalah, yet outwardly have a pretense of practicing Torah. Their secret synagogue under the Temple Mount is very pagan. I wrote about it and posted pictures of it – Mikvah of Israel…

Oh yes, those in Ezekiel 8 practiced the Torah, but they also had their pagan rituals as well. Yahuwah, the Spirit on earth, ascended from the top of the Mount of Olives and removed Himself from the earth.

Religious practice went on as usual, even after the purge by Josiah.

Yahuwah did not return to His people by His Spirit UNTIL Acts chapter 2!!! Today, most so-called “believers” reject the book of Acts for today – yet without His ability to once against descend into the earth in the bodies of those born again, as in I Corinthians 6:19-20, He must depart. This is why He leaves a remnant who are filled with His Spirit on the earth until Messiah comes. For Messiah said, “when I come, will I find faith on the earth?” Yes, He will – in a tiny restraining force.

Think of it! His Spirit was not on earth except in a tiny remnant of His prophets and true priests, like Zechariah (Luke 1-2), also in Elizabeth, in Miriam, in Yosef, in Anna, and Simeon, in Nathanial, in Nicodemus … from Ezekiel 11:23 until Acts 2.

Ezekiel 8 and 9 is happening again. His Spirit, the “restraining force,” has lifted in order to give the Nephal … the fallen ones, an allotted time to do their worst before Yahushua comes and ends it for them forever.

This podcast will really cause you to think clearly about your options. We’re back at Ezekiel 8 and 9 again literally. Ezekiel 9 is now Revelation 3:7-13, 7:1-8, 14:1-5.

Shalom blessed ones,


March 1, 2021

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