Both Podcast CCLXVIII, under “Audio Teachings,” and its Transcript under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance or under “Recent Articles”, are ready for listening, reading, studying, and researching. These both are on THE BOOK OF HEBREWS CHAPTER 4.
I’m glad to hear that people are enjoying this study. This chapter contains some powerful warnings, yet powerful encouragement also. One third of us is perfected in a true new birth – pictured by the Passover and then the crossing of the Red Sea in Exodus chapters 12-14. Once across, it was time to learn and mature in their faith. Yet, for 40 years they never did mature but disobeyed, quarreled, and tried to bring division among His people. So, at the end of 40 years, Joshua and Caleb took the younger generation across into the Promised Land. The Author of Hebrews, which I believe to be Apollos, goes into detail on the heart of Yahuwah and His disgust with those who never matured in faith. They had to die off while those full of faith took the land and inhabited it for Yahuwah.
We’re on the verge of the time of entering the Kingdom at the return of Yahushua. The same seriousness as there back then is not with us today – though much more serious.
In this podcast, as always, I amplify some of the points of study and explain some things further, even getting into what the Covid “vaccine,” which is not a vaccine, by the admission of Pfizer and Moderna, is being called by some of the leading watchmen. I still have questions that must be answered before being dogmatic on labeling, but I am watching closely why other watchmen are coming out so boldly with their statements, and listening for Abba’s confirmation.
Blessings, Yedidah
March 3, 2021
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