“Podcast CCLXII: The Set-Apartness of Joshua and Caleb – Numbers 13 and 14” is ready for listening under Audio Messages.
You might think, “I’ve heard all that. I know Numbers 13 and 14 almost by memory.” However, there is a lot more to it than you might know exists!
Scripture is in layers, and the Spirit peels off layers of understanding as we’re read to receive it. So, carefully listen. It is one of the richest parallels in Scripture to our time-period today as we go into the wilderness of the rising Beast system and face literal giants and giant obstacles once again. I mention the article “The Return of the Anakim”/Mikvah of the Great Adventure.
How big is your faith? Multi-millions left Egypt, and crossed the Red Sea into the wilderness of Sinai. Multi-millions perished in the wilderness during 40 years of punishment for their lack of faith. Two entered the Promised Land. The ratio is about the same today with the 144,000 sealed ones who go forth to do exploits in a world of 7.5 billion. What is the dividing line between the multi-millions or billions and the “few?”
In this podcast, I bring up some things that the Spirit is saying that is excitingly new to me. Look at Abba’s patterns of timing and how it is being applied in our day to do with the return of Messiah. It’s right there in Numbers 13 and 14. You can take these chapters and lay them over the end-time prophecies of what we’re seeing now, and they fit together, expanding understanding of now.
This is the third in a series on set-apartness. Set-apartness must become more and more radical, not in outward appearance, not in religiosity, or in what we say and do – but in our pursuit of the Presence of Yahuwah, and our dwelling in His secret place, even as we go about daily needs.
In podcasting these three articles on set-apartness, there were times I saw things in the text of scripture that gave me chills, a shock, a surprise – something that only Yahuwah could open up for our understanding. Get your own personal revelation from Him directly into your spirit as He teaches you.
Blessings, Yedidah
February 3, 2021