
“Podcast CCLXI: The Radical Set-Apartness of John the Baptizer From His Mother’s Womb” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com

Here is a link to the actual audio messages of Pastor McQueen for the three messages on set-apartness given in January. They include the January 31st message of the set-apartness of Joshua and Caleb. I will be writing on that in the next two days. https://www.mcqueenum.org/audio-messages

The theme of our Prayer Center for 2021 is Be Set-Apart. This has been the theme of my teachings for many years. Yet, as I listen to Pastor McQueen, I get new perspectives from the Word. She has a way of bringing things to light from the Word that is revelatory. She is Spirit-taught.

The Spirit teaches us as He wills, then He brings the Spirit-taught together to share revelation He gives – and wow – lo and behold – they fit together perfectly as a piece of a puzzle needed to see more of the picture.

In podcasting this 11-page article, I did not give personal experiences like I did in the written article. As I read Scripture, three times the Spirit brought out new things I’d not seen before and I related them. One had such an impact on my spirit that I had to stop and go over it as I spoke. Several times in this podcast, I felt the Presence of Yahuwah’s Spirit.

This is the way it is with the Spirit-taught – each has puzzle pieces given by the Spirit, but we need each other’s puzzle pieces to complete the picture. It will not be completed until we reach the John 17 unity of the set-apart who hear from the same Teacher. Those who are filled with the Spirit are like a fountain of water gushing up and out as Messiah said He would in John 7:37-39. The Spirit is also like a fire, as He said in Luke 3:16. The spirit is as wine – who brings joy and gladness to the whole person. He also convicts of sin, and is a faithful comforter of those who live a repentant life.  He is The Teacher (John 16). The Spirit is Yahuwah Himself!

The man-taught are fragmented in tens of thousands of divisions. The Spirit- taught are united as one with one Teacher. This is why the remnant of these last days is so small. The Bridal remnant hears her Beloved and aligns with Him. Messiah, the Beloved, said that the Spirit would take what was His and give it to His people.

He also said “My sheep hear my voice and they follow Me.” The Spirit speaks by His voice, the voice of Yahushua, to us.

In this podcast you will hear revelation from the Spirit. This is a powerful message of set-apartness for our day. In it, I give using some of my own life examples, but it is mainly the Word that penetrates the spirit to hunger after Him.

Blessings, Yedidah

February 1, 2021

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I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!

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