Podcast CCLX: Don’t Waste Your Pain is ready for listening under Audio Teachings on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is an expanded version of the just-posted article today by the same title.

As always, podcasts of articles are based on the articles but as the Spirit leads, I take off on what He is saying to say.

Remember John 3:7-8: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Spirit is spirit. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it goes. So, is everyone who has been born of the Spirit.”

Prepare like never before with water, food, back up electricity if possible – some way to cook your food, like a butane stove, and other practical measures. Just be led by the Spirit. Pack a bag, put it by the door in a coat closet or somewhere easy to get to with your most important documents and what you need to wear and survive. Some of you are preparing to move – do your own research, learn all you can. Never act in fear.

In this light of this, I have a request for you who live in Australia. It was given by a man in Australia, in Queensland, whom I’ve known many years. I spent most of 2005-2007 while in America, I spent much time doing intercession over all the exit points from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico, down the rivers, etc. because, as was known then, there would be a massive fleeing of Jews and Christians out of America. It will be so out of Canada and all nations whose main religions are related to the Bible. That includes Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.  

     Here is the request: “Do anyone know of believers in Australia, especially Queensland who has experience of sailing in the ocean, especially in large yacht.  To those who has the heart according to return back to the Land. Isaiah 11:11, Ezekiel 11:16-17, Psalms 107. So far, I haven’t found any believers here yet in this position. I have contacted a few believers and asked them.  They do not know of any so far.  I am a bit surprised on this.”

I share this with you in agreement with men like John and Jerry Golden in Israel, and others, who know that the nations will turn on the true believers to their death. There is a safe-zone in Petra, Jordan as the Bible tells us in both Revelation 6, 12, and Isaiah 26, describing it perfectly. But the hidden ones will be in many places that Yahuwah has prepared for them. In Revelation 14 we see the timing of the fleeing spelled out very clearly in light of the three groups the earth will be divided into. I have taught on these things since 1992. The timing is critical.

     So, Australians – if you can help John, a very solid man in messianic faith, who lives in Australia, let me know. He understands Abba’s timing.

In His love, Shabbat Shalom, Yedidah

January 29, 2021

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