Podcast CCLVI: Mandatory! Hearing His Alerts! Acting in His Timing


“Podcast CCLVI: Mandatory! Hearing His Alerts! Acting in His Timing” is ready for listening. The article was posted yesterday under the Mikvah of the Spirit.

I do not know what happened with this recording, or with me, but I give you a couple of warnings: There are about 3 times when it has some static but it picks up where I left off — not long static, just a couple of seconds each. Also, I know I was very excited to podcast this, as I usually am. But it sounds like I am talking 100 mph at times. When I first heard it, I thought it was an audio problem, but then I slow down and it’s normal. I was sharing events and giving exhortations. Get alone where you can hear it without outside distractions. Also, when I went to post it from Spreaker, it would not post. I had to return to the main studio and re-post.

Perhaps the enemy doesn’t like what I said. Or perhaps I was just extra joyful.

I added quite a bit of things not in the written article, and amplified some things in the written article. It begins with a testimony from this morning, with Abba impressing on me to get gas, then telling me how much money to pre-pay, and why. I sure hope you can hear and benefit, because what I am saying could be the difference between life and death for some of you. He is giving us instructions now that we must act on in this dangerous time. Be sure to read the article, also, and the Scriptures listed, in context.

I will let you know about the new moon/new month tomorrow evening. If it is seen by two or more witnesses from Jerusalem after sunset the 14th, we’ll go into Sh’vat. If not, the new month will begin the following sunset the 15th.

Blessings! Yedidah

January 13, 2021

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