Happy Hanukkah! Shalom!
“Podcast CCLIV: Eternally Forgotten – The Eternal Loss of Earthly Memories” is ready for hearing under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.
Today is a big day in the USA … The Electoral College is meeting to prepare their decision on who is President and who is not. Trump could have declared the Insurrection Bill, but so-far he has not. President Trump has been doing some things in the last few days the news is not reporting, yet it has saved the nation from a planned attack by China on America. He has done many good things for our nation, none of which were rewarded or honored by the public news media.
In the last few days, the great state of Texas has led 18 nations, so far, in standing for justice regarding the election atrocities of fraud. The Republican Party Leader of Texas has called for succession. Yip – ya’all – Texas, over all other states, has the right to succeed by historic precedent. We have our own grid and our own economy – world’s leader in oil production. We can fly our flag at the same height as the US flag.
Pray for Governor Abbot. I can imagine he’s under a tremendous lot of pressure, since Texas is the test-state for moving forward with certain plans of the US government, including the deadly, unclean, defiling, dehumanizing vaccine. Two other “test states” are Arizona and Florida.
I don’t put any faith in man. However, we know Abba has a canopy over His people in certain places, no matter how He hides.
You good fathers: Who would you allow to be protected under your tallit in time of great danger? Think now – would you say “ya’ll come?” I don’t think so. Or, would you gather your wife and your home-children first, grandchildren, and great grandchildren if you have any, maybe mom and dad, then perhaps a brother or sister you’re very close to, or precious friend? Immediate family whom you love and who are under your care to protect come first, don’t they? Once all your most beloved are safely sheltered under the wings and feathers of your tallit, you close the doors of your “closet” and huddle together. Only those dearest to your heart have that privilege – those you know – those you never want to be without. Abba Yahuwah is the same way. That’s Psalm 91:1. Perhaps someone will run up to you saying they are your child and try to get under your protective tallit. Would you let them – knowing you don’t know them? Not in a case of life death for sure. This is why Messiah’s words in Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 25:12, and Luke 13:23-27. He will tell those who have no personal relationship with Him, “depart from Me, I never knew you.” How close is your relationship with the coming Master, Yahushua?
As Byron Searle’s latest prophecy from Yahuwah says, it doesn’t matter now who is President, all is going forward under His will to accomplish His plans, and to do it quickly. So, whatever announcement come forth today or later, we are not America anymore – but are now something else. Who do you identify with now?
This podcast, along with the article by the same name under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure, will lift you out of time into eternity. In eternity we will be forever free of the shackles of painful memories. I talk about the 1,000-year reign of Messiah also.
In His love, Yedidah
December 14, 2020