“Podcast CCLIII: The Time of the Dry Tree Has Arrived.”
This is taken from the article posted December 7th, under “Recent Articles” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.
Wow, I cover quite a few topics in this letter (smile).
Of course, in this podcast, I discuss other things besides just what is written in the article. In this podcast I get into telling some of what is in the vaccines and giving a warning that many doctors and scientists are giving. It is already being reported to have caused deaths, and severe physical side effects like facial palsy, crippling, etc.
It literally turns the immune system against itself, besides turning a human into a non-human with its microscopic nanobots that hook a person up to A.I., via 5-G. It is causing deaths all over the world. It is also causing women to abort their babies, and producing infertility in women and men. We know it as a “depopulation agenda.”
Back, maybe 30 years ago, I listened to an interview by Ted Turner on “60 Minutes” saying we had to get the population down to 500 million. It’s on the Georgia Guidestones. It is just “common” information now. Yet as we are watching it appear in so many facets, there seems to be a disconnect in people between the reality of depopulation and all the means going on to accomplish it. People just are not “connecting the dots.”
I go into more detail about the largest world Aquifer in the heartland of America and how the government has paid for some of its ruination. In the time of the “dry tree,” water will be scarce. Are you storing it? I talk about the big tanks for water storage, and how rare they are becoming, and expensive. Check it out before it is too late. Look at the website for “water bricks.” They can be transportable or in large size. In my article on “Terraforming the Earth” under the Heart of Elohim. I go into why the purposed creation of drought conditions. It goes back to the Nephilim and to the fallen angels.
So, this podcast covers a lot! It does not cover what has just surfaced – pun intended. There are war ships and submarines off our west and east coast.
Please make sure you’ve read the recent article under “Recent Articles” on the main page: “Prophetic Words of Long-Time Plans…”/Mikvah of Present Reality.
Those prophecies are accurate! Jeremiah 50-51 is really America as is Revelation 18 regarding New York City. What I began teaching in 1992 as Abba showed me, is now being warned about from the good watchmen of Yahuwah. They’ll have “no blood on their hands!” Isaiah 10, 13, 24, 48, and on and on are in the works.
Yahuwah is stacking the prophecies, compacting them – thus is shortening the days – not 7 years, not 3½ years – much shorter time but events will be far-worse because the events are compacted.
If you haven’t heard my podcasting of Revelation, you haven’t heard my insert podcast before launching into chapter 11-13 regarding the 3½ year inserts. It goes back to the Jesuits messing with Scripture to make it look like the pope is Jesus/Yesu on earth. Thus, the manipulation begins in adding two extra Passovers to His ministry in the book of John, when actually Messiah’s ministry was only a year.
The man-made insertions are in several places in the “New Testament,” but totally contradictory to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah. It is easy to spot western-culture inserts or translation distortions of man’s reasoning and ideas. The western-culture mind thinks in consecutive order by Roman timing – by logic, by how man would lay it out. But the Word is a Hebrew document from start to finish, later translated into Aramaic and Greek, then into Latin. It is written within Middle East culture, particularly ancient Hebrew culture. It is not a western-nation document!!!
Once Rome got hold of it, it became a westernized everything. Thus, we of western nations have little understanding of how Yahuwah thinks, how He does things, and how His nature plays out in His attitude towards us, and the rebellious.
Right now, Christian eschatology is getting more ridiculous all the time. Things are happening that are not supposed to happen until after the “rapture” of the whole “church.” Therefore, main teachers of this totally unscriptural doctrine are adding things to it, to put it off at least until 2032. It’s actually getting silly.
Now the fundamentalist super-leader who prophesied Apophis hitting earth on Passover 2029 at the start of the 2nd ½ of a 3½ year cookie cutter timing layout, is saying that his huge asteroid will bring diseases with it from outer space that might be the mark of the Beast. That is so ludicrous. Uh … Now NASA is saying Apophis, Egyptian god of destruction, is picking up speed. So much for setting dates. Never forget Jeremiah 17:5-10!!!!!!!
What is happening is that we’re getting deeper into signs of a “great tribulation” that comes not far from the time Messiah descends, and the pre-tribulation rapture people are getting scared. This is not supposed to be happening yet. We’re not out of here. Well, get with the Word people, and let the Spirit teach and not man!!!!!
Let us cry out with peace and joy: “Come Yahushua Come!”
In His love, Chag Sameach!
December 9, 2020