
“PODCAST CCL: The King David Warrior-Remnant is Trained Differently – I Samuel 17”

Today, I podcasted the whole 11-page article by the same title, posted under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance, on November 18th.

This podcast contains even more revelation knowledge than the article, which contains a lot. This will help you make your decision regarding gun or no gun, bow and arrow, bear-trap, or not. What does the Word say about having natural protection? Does having a gun say to Abba “I have no faith in You?” Does He help those who use natural weapons? Does He condemn the use of natural weapons?

What option do we have that is portrayed in King David’s life as a 14-year old “lad?” Can we wear “Saul’s armor,” and still trust Abba to protect us? That’s where the questions and answers get sticky. However, I make them plain.

No, we can’t divide our faith and have Him back us. He’ll back our singular decision that is rooted in faith in Him alone. How does He view protecting our family and ourselves? He does not condemn those who use natural means of protection, as long as we put no confidence and faith in them. We will be facing a lot of supernatural enemies that cannot be killed by nuclear bomb.

Faith must be squarely in Him alone. However, King David gives us “a better way.” Yes, he used a sling shot. However, that is symbolic of spiritual warfare that uses powerful bold proclamations thrown in the enemy’s face, backed by something the enemy can’t handle – faith. Yes, he used a sword to cut off Goliath’s head. We have “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Yahuwah.”

By the way, why did David have to take the head off of Goliath? Very interesting answer!

Please read I Samuel 17 for yourself. Read the article. Listen to this podcast for deeper explanation and understanding. But, do something to insure that in case of need, you have something that will deter the human enemies. There is only one weapon that insures our protection from the spiritual enemies that bullets can’t kill – bold faith with the backing of the Living Yahuwah – Shaddai – Elyon.

Learn the secret of King David’s victory. Make it your own.

In His love, Yedidah

November 19, 2020

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