
“Podcast CDXXXXVI: `Do Not Lose Track of the Children’” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is a very serious update giving reasons for the purposed burning of the poor on the island of Maui, Hawaii. I give you lots of first-hand quotes, and tell of the extreme silence of the news media and all involved, as 2,400 children are missing and no one seems to care. I quote from lots of articles.

I give you quotes from people not being allowed to escape the fires – held back by police. As I wrote regarding the exact same scenario in western Canada, British Columbia, the people were held back from evacuating to safety. In all situations, the police simply told the people “I’m just doing my job,” or “I’m just following orders.” Yes, water turned off, no warning sirens, no evacuation possible, no firefighters … oh yes, the firefighters were on Oahu with FEMA in a fire rescue conference at the time.

I give quotes of those right there to tell the story of “mass murder.” The confirmation came as I felt strongly about the 2,400 children still missing. No one on public news, in the government, the mayor of Lahaina – no one in charge anywhere seems to care. No one is talking about it in public forum. Children were told to stay home from school while their parents went to work. Perfect set-up for kidnapping and selling the children into sex slavery worldwide. I had that confirmed by the granddad watchmen yesterday.

Please read the articles in “The Horrors – The Unimaginable Evil…” just posted this week under “Recent Articles” and “Present Reality.” It exposes what is going on at the Texas border with the kidnapping, containment, and shipping away of children by the thousands into sex slavery worldwide. How shocking that the border police know about it and also say “I’m just doing my job.”

Most people cannot conceive of such great evil, but we’re talking the minds of man under the authority and power of Lucifer-Satan and fallen angels. Read Genesis 6 – the people thought of evil continually. Yahuwah had to destroy them all, except Noah. Noah survived because he heard Yahuwah speak to him and he obeyed every detail of what Yahuwah asked of him.

Weather warfare aimed at Florida – Cedar Key targeted: I also talk about this and why. The Presidential elections are already being controlled. We’re facing gun confiscation. We’re facing vaccine mandates. We’re facing bank collapse. We’re facing famine. And most everyone is doing nothing to prepare for any of it – especially not spiritually.

I recently wrote and podcasted on the horrors of Maui, of Darian Gap, of what is going on all around us for more prayer, more passion to share the Good News of salvation with those who will die soon with no Savior, no eternal salvation.

We’re facing another lockdown in the U.S. We’re facing civil war in the U.S. We’re facing complete annihilation in the U.S. We’re facing bank closure.

Father has warned us.

In His love, Yedidah

August 31, 2023

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