Podcast CCCXV: Noah, the 144,000 Remnant, and Plans for Halloween

Shalom! Happy Day 1 of Heshvan.

Podcast CCCXV: “Noah, the 144,000 Remnant, and Plans for Halloween” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com

This is taken from the article by that title under “Recent Articles,” of the Heart of Elohim, #149.0.

In this podcast, I only go by the article only as a reference-point script. I go off under Yahuwah’s anointing for a lot of it, bringing to you some very inside information – skipping recent news. In other words, I go right to the heart of the revelation knowledge that Yahuwah has shown to Derek and I recently. I expanded on it as Abba showed me things I have never seen before about Noah and why the emphasis on “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be…” by Messiah in Matthew 24. Remember these words: “as it was…so shall it be.” As it was just before the Flood, so it is now before His wrath is poured out. I ask some piercing questions in this podcast.

We are repeating Genesis 6 in such detail it is stunning. But, what about Noah himself? Was he just an old guy with good DNA?

Noah carries a lot more prophetic importance than I ever knew until about a week ago. The more I studied the more He showed me – the more He showed Derek. But when it came to the 144,000 part – and Noah – Abba went further with why Satanists are preparing to do on Halloween.

I have to laugh. I might as well laugh, or at least smile big. In podcasting, I found some typing errors on page 5, which I cleared up and reposted the article. It’s not perfect but its sure better than when I first posted it yesterday.

I’m so overwhelmed with all that is happening at once, but more overwhelmed at the download from the Spirit of Yahuwah as He shows me things I’ve never seen before in the simplest of Bible accounts.

Last night about 11:00 PM I posted a corrected copy of this in article form, after having been given more revelation on Matthew 25:1-12, which I shared with you in the letter I sent about the corrected copy.

A deluge of revelation clarity is coming to those that study the Word with the Spirit as Teacher and guide to understanding, as in John 16. He is our Teacher – He is Yahuwah Himself. This is why it is mandatory to have Him ruling our lives from within our re-born spirit! Think about it. We have the opportunity to be students of Shaddai Himself – the ElYon!

In my previous article “The Most Serious Warning of All,” which I may podcast – I make it very plain: To counteract the technology for mind-thought-implantation, we have one option – He controls from within or we’ll be set up for total takeover and lose what we’ve gained.

The words of Luke 8 about “possessing” are very important. Bible illiterates want to argue from their religious beliefs of man, but I know the Word – having studied it since the early 1960s. I am Spirit-taught in all things. I’ve lived a miraculous life because of knowing Yahuwah and Yahushua personally for so many decades, through so many hard times.

So, I hear the big mouthed arrogant know-it-alls spouting disbelief in their ignorance because their teacher says this or that, and I know that Yahuwah sits in the heavens and “laughs” at them. They are so pathetic. But, that’s religious humanity. It’s best to be as a little child in faith and watch Him work. (Matthew 18:1-4) Without child-likeness we can’t enter the Kingdom.

The Word is coming alive mightily to those who “study to show themselves approved unto Yahuwah – a workman who needs NOT to be ashamed.”

The great divisions are happening as Messiah said – the divisions of those who will be in the wedding party, and also divisions of those who will fall away from faith because of fear, disillusionment, religious arrogance, or demonizing with emotional hate and bitterness.

“Little children, let us love one another.” I John

In His love, blessings, Yedidah – October 8, 2021 – Heshvan day 1

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