Greetings! Shalom!

“Podcast CCCVII: Moses’ Small Secret For A Great Victory!” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on comeenterthemikvah.com.

I share a powerful principle that works. It has worked for His children for over 5,000 years. King David knew the “secret” and wrote about it in Psalms. The simple action of the “secret” builds boldness in us. It builds faith. It brings peace, joy, and increased faith in the ability of our Abba to take care of us! It brings us into a deeper relationship with Him. So simple, but few know the power of this “secret” that Moses used. Reach straight up, fingers extended, arms parallel, resting on your shoulders, as high as you can reach.

You also have a “rod.” Are you holding it high above your head as you lift your hands totally up above your shoulders?

Are your arms getting heavy, your faith weakening, your ability to keep going on as you have? Abba will send you strength from your spirit. He will also send helpers, as He did Moses. If we can’t lift our arms like that – Abba gives us helpers in prayer, to spiritually “hold our hands up.” Doing this physical action in some way, without help, or with help, will activate the boldness, strength, and faith within your spirit. It will be a body, soul, and spiritual strengthening event as the Spirit of Yahuwah rises to meet your faith.

This podcast is from the article by the same name, posted yesterday under the Mikvah of the Spirit, or under Recent Articles on the main page.

Make the most of Elul! It is a gift to us to prepare for the coming of Yahushua.

Blessings, Yedidah

August 12, 2021

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