
Podcast CCCVI: The Nature of Yahuwah Is An Unchangeable Plumb Line” is ready for listening under Audio Teachings on comeenterthemikvah.com. The article was posted this morning by the same name under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, #146.0 or “Recent Articles” on the main page.

Again, Happy Rosh Chodesh for the new month of Elul tonight at sunset – by default, the 30th day of Av. See Letter of Correction I sent last night.

I share a little more in this podcast than I did in the article, but my main objective for both is to enrich your faith in our Father and His Son who do not change. This is a real faith-builder.

I am writing and podcasting faith-building article because we’re at a precipice and most of humanity will fall to their door from this point on by some means of toppling over into the pit below. Many things that have been planned for decades are being prepared to break forth from this point onward. Prepare like never before!

My heart is to warn and educate, so that when all are falling off the cliff, you won’t fall, but will be faithfully walking the narrow path to the narrow gate that leads to life – in a lovely forest along a beautiful stream. (Matthew 7:13-14)

Many articles, for years, have been written to strengthen faith, sharing the heart of our Father and Savior – i.e. who and what They are to us. Be encouraged. It is good news.

You can use the article as a transcript for following the podcast.

Shalom and blessings!


August 10, 2021

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