Podcast CCCI: “Tell the Children of Israel to Go Forward” – It’s Now Time to Cross the Jordan


“Podcast CCCI: `Tell the Children of Israel to Go Forward’ – It’s Now Time to Cross the Jordan” is ready for listening under Audio Messages on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is the podcast of the article by that same name, posted yesterday under “Recent Articles” on the main page, and the Mikvah of The Great Adventure.

Talk about a great adventure – it is the Acts 1:8 adventure – obeying, knowing, feeling, hearing, touching, seeing – experiencing Yahuwah and Yahushua in our everyday life – so that we KNOW Them, and They know us and learn to trust us as obedient servants. This great adventure is for those who obey the Master!!!

This podcast, like the article, contains some powerful revelation, but explained more in the podcast than in the article. Did you know that Genesis 1:1-3 tells us the three stages of our salvation?

As I edited for several hours yesterday, I also added in the podcast new things He gave me to relate to you. It’s more of a person-to-person relating to reality than strictly a teaching session. However, I don’t just teach. I exhort, challenge, encourage, and strengthen faith. That’s my specific calling – preparing His people for the Kingdom!

I wanted to see and experience Abba as a Person – to see and experience interaction with He and Yahushua. Well, He certainly has answered that prayer!

In the Middle East, in ancient culture, they want to see what He can do. They want to experience what He can do. Their faith is based on tangible evidence they can relate to by their five senses – as well as in their eternal spirit. What does He do?

He said He exalts His Word above His Name – why? Because if His Word is not proven to be absolutely faithful and trustworthy, His Name means nothing. One’s word is only as good as the nature/character of the one giving the promise, or making the agreement.

Please pass on these podcasts and articles to others, share the website!!! I am teaching the real believers what it means to be “saved,” and what it means to be part of the Kingdom of heaven. We’re facing the worst times in human history. Only those that know Him, experience Him, trust Him explicitly because of His “track record” with us, will make it through. KNOW HIM, experience Him, let Him show you what He can do.

Shalom, blessings! Yedidah

July 28, 2021

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