PODCAST AND TRANSCRIPT OF Podcast CCCII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 19


HalleluYah! The podcast worked using the 2007 computer. It’s posted under “Audio Messages.” It is 12 minutes less than the original one I did this morning, so I may have left out something important – however, I can pick up on that as Abba reminds me. I expanded this letter, too.

“Transcript of Podcast CCCII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 19” is under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure, or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

“Podcast CCCII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 19” is ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is a powerful message for us right now! Luke 17 tells us: “As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the days when the Son of Man is revealed,” the coming of Yahushua. We are “in the days of Noah,” and “in the days of Lot” to a fine-tuned degree now – matching identically.

Prepare as you’ve never prepared before. Abba is leading lots of His people out of harm’s way – sending angels to do it, too. But we have to hear and obey quickly. Begin now by packing a suitcase and putting it by the door. I know I left this part out of the second podcast. Oh well – I’ll present it somehow later. Put your most important needed things into it. If you need to leave quickly, even by night, you’ll have it taken care of.

Wisdom! Don’t tell anyone you don’t totally know and trust about your preparing – just do it. The gift of the Spirit – “the discernment of spirits – is most important. Also, our spirit must be totally open to hearing His “still small voice,” or His loud voice.

Yahuwah is exhorting His children to act quickly. 2021 and beyond: It’s all right there in Genesis 19. Abba’s judgment will come in the form of natural disasters, famine, war, foreign armies, etc. Abba wants to protect us, as He wanted to protect Lot’s wife – but she did not obey the message – “don’t look back.”

In His love, Yedidah

September 2, 2021


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