Personal Letter Update to All Subscribers

Letter to all subscribers to comeenterthemikvah,com

Shabbat Shalom! Greetings, blessings!

We have entered the time of darkening prophesied in over 200 prophecies of the Word. Warnings are going out nationwide from the true watchmen of our Father regarding the dangers, especially in America with Halloween night and then All Saint’s Day, then All Soul’s Day, then the Elections. What a time to stay inside and fast and pray as much as you can, seeking Abba, drawing close to Him, hearing His comfort and His exhortations. Act on what He says!

I have moved, as Abba Yahuwah demanded of me with urgent pleas, before October 15th. I moved October 12th. I am now officially moved in, with the final putting of reference books on the bookcase shelves. I am in a quiet old area of a small Texas town, in another county, surrounded by prairie where we have less than 20 cases of Covid, so we don’t have to wear masks unless we want to. Of course, the banks, government buildings, and Walmart still demand them.

Warnings have gone out by faithful reporters regarding the next 4 days and beyond. If you want good solid and reliable inside information, I suggest you check Steve Quayle’s list of articles and alerts, and sign up for his Q-Files (9.95 a month).

He has proven to be right on in reporting and in his prophetic dreams for nearly 40 years. He, and those he promotes the most, like Dave Hodges, Mike Adams, Michael Lake, Doug Hagmann, and several more, have a track record of accuracy.

Of course, as always, we go by the teaching and directives of the Spirit of Yahuwah into our re-born spirit, so that we have peace at all times, even in the hearing of “danger, danger, danger,” which we’re hearing now in America. No human being has all the answers, but those who are Spirit-taught only have clear understanding from the whole Word, as well as from the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah!

I have much to write and podcast, so hopefully, this week, I will be back – for there is so much to share. All this time, Abba has given me instructions and information, and led me to certain information to confirm what He has told me from a long time ago, especially from the early 1990s. Now, what I taught back then is happening in great detail, and being reported by faithful watchmen.

I hope you are prepared with food and water, vitamins, medicines, or anything else you need if you are locked down for long periods of time, during an attack by China or roving gangs, during times of violence, civil war, militaries roaming the streets … which is in our future. The word to prepare began decades ago. Steve Quayle is called “the father” of the prepper movement. One important side note, those who have been calling people to prepare for so many decades are now saying “be silent,” “do not tell anyone that you have been preparing with food, etc.” Those who know you have a stash of food and water, yet have not prepared themselves, will come to you when they begin to starve – and that may end violently.

I give you a word from Amos 5: “…the wise keep silent at this time, for it is an evil time.” In that chapter, it tells of the insane hatred of those who stand for truth.

Have plans to go somewhere else if need be. The earth is cracking, and certain areas of America in particular will separate and be under water. I sent a map recently in an article about this. This is a present danger, not something many years away. The cracking and separating of earth is happening in many areas of earth, but in the U.S. three distinctive areas are separating, as well as in Mexico.

Yahuwah, through His prophetic mouthpieces in the earth today, even from secular sources speaking His will, has warned to prepare in all ways. Now, the reality looms close, and few listened. The Mormon Church, years ago, told its people to prepare for 3 years. Few believers are prepared for any disaster that would go beyond a few days.

Famine is sweeping the earth, and lack of good clean water. War is sweeping the earth, and coming closer to home. Violence and chaos is sweeping the earth in most countries. Those who obeyed the Master when He pleaded with His people years ago, some who moved to other nations, are free of what is going on within America right now. If you are inside a big city, get out if you can. Tens of thousands are fleeing, especially New York City. I have recently had a huge amount of confirmation on what I began teaching in 1992 to do with New York City, which I will be writing about as soon as possible. Canada is also siding with China, and Chinese troops are on the Canadian/US border now by the tens of thousands – above western states and the border near Toronto.

Get with people who understand the times and seasons of our Yahuwah, so they are not skeptics and mockers, and thus do-nothings. Hebrews 10:25 tells us that as we see “the Day” approaching, “The Day of Yahuwah,” we must meet with believers who know Abba, and who move with His Spirit in obedience, as they knew to do in the first century CE. Refer to the two articles about: “The Return of the Natzarim …”

So much to share! However, if you keep up with good reporting – of course, selective reporting led by the Spirit – you will be prepared in mind, and know what to do in spirit as He teaches you. But, you must act on what He tells you to do, or just common sense tells you to do as far as preparing.

Yahuwah is speaking loudly to all of His children, but few are hearing and acting. He speaks in 40 different ways, each with precedent in the Word, but still most all of His people are too lethargic and apathetic to listen to His “still, small voice,” and act on it, or even the words of the Scriptures in black and white.

The last-days remnant is known for three things: 1) personally knowing Yahuwah and Yahushua2) being strong in faith, and 3) acting on what they know to do, both from the Word, and to them personally by the Master.

I thank you for your prayers and support during this time, as we join together more and more with the true body of Messiah Yahushua.

Here is my new address for sending offerings by the postal service:

     Make out all to Charlotte Townsend, send to: P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas 76033.

     The Pay Pal option is as usual, and can be found under “Contact” on the main page of the website.

May you have a wonderful Shabbat with much shalom, Yedidah

October 31, 2020    

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