Personal Letter of Thank You and Address Notice to Subscribers

Greetings: NOTICE!!!

I thank all of you who prayed for me during my packing and moving time!

I moved yesterday morning, October 12th. My son was with me from start to finish and helped me very much in moving and later in the day with details.

His wife, my daughter-in-law, helped me find the place, and her mother is helping me with details to move in. She moved down to this nice little prairie town about 3 weeks ago. So, our little family is together within a short distance of each other, and near the newly being-built Prayer Center out in the country.

On Shabbat, the 8th day of Sukkot, we celebrated in the new building – not finished yet but coming along fine – with praise and worship and dancing before Yahuwah and Yahushua, with banners, and flags, worshipping, singing, rejoicing.

It was a day of joy! Then we had a special meal at Pastor’s house. It is good to be with family where I can have fellowship face to face.

Abba had spoken to my spirit a few months ago that I had to be moved by October 15th at the latest. This morning early voting began for President. Abba was in a very urgent mode. I felt it deep in my spirit. I began packing about over a month ago, doing what I could each day to prepare. Abba sure led my daughter-in-law to a good leasing company. I am now close to everything and everyone I need to be close to at this time, under His command.

Abba signature was in it all – peace and perfect timing, strength, and knowing I was doing the right thing – confirmation.

The workers that needed to help me, like getting the wifi going, all came early … it was amazing. Their set time were moved up sometimes many hours. I got fully moved in at 10:20 AM yesterday, then the movers left. In 15 minutes, Lowes’ delivery truck arrived and I got my new refrigerator. Their scheduled time was 12:30-4:30, but they came at 10:30. My son had just left.

Today I was at Walmart. The wifi guy was supposed to come between 12:00 and 1:00. I got a call from while I was at Walmart saying he at was my place–it was 10:00. I told him I was checking out at Walmart. He said he’d wait. He was here 3 hours and wow – as you can see, I have wifi.

Abba wants us to know He’s involved in what He asks us to do, and as a loving Father, He leaves little signs here and there of His intervention. This morning while the wifi guy was here, my daughter-in-law’s mother came to put the shelf liners in my kitchen and bathroom. Tomorrow is closure day on my previous apartment.

I am always amazed at how Abba gets involved with us on a personal level.

So, again “thank you” for praying!

For you that send me checks and money orders, and sometimes carefully enclosed cash, my address has changed. If you have sent something to the Fort Worth Post Office, they will forward it to my new PO box.

MY NEW ADDRESS FOR “SNAIL MAIL” IS P.O. BOX 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033. You can access Pay Pal by the “Contact” tab on the main page of the website. Again – thank you!!!

In Abba’s love, Yedidah

October 13, 2020


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