Greetings, Shabbat Shalom!

“Persecution Bringing Revival in Canada – A Pastor Speaks Out,” is #141 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

The link to a 4-minute video was sent to me by a dear sister and friend in Manitoba. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched it, because I understand persecution for the Master’s Name’s sake. I understand cruelty and sadism against the true believers in so many countries where death of believers is “normal.”

I’ve been among those risking their lives to get a Bible in two different countries, fleeing for their lives at times. They are persecuted, denied basic rights, beaten, arrested, imprisoned, and killed on a regular basis. I lived among some of those who fled from Sudan into Jordan when Christians were being slaughtered in the south – all so that America could drill oil on their land. I had the privilege of meeting with these wonderful believers, risking their lives to share the Good News of their salvation. They have Abba’s nature. They are kind, loving, compassionate, and passionate for their Master who saved them. What a high privilege to be among those suffering for His sake! But that is coming to all who love the soon-coming King of kings, and who serve Him. Bible confiscation is not far away.

I don’t just write about this one pastor, but share clips from articles about persecution of believers in other places, like America. Satan wants all connection in every way to Yahuwah severed and destroyed. That includes earth itself, and all in it. Messiah said that if He did not shorten the days before His return, “no flesh would be saved.” That means human flesh, but also all animals/mammals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, trees, flowers, grass — all the beauty and perfection that our Creators put into our world. And humanity that is not killed will be hooked up to machines so that a person is no longer human but part of a “quantum computer,” part human, part robot, totally controlled. That’s exactly what the vaccines do as a platform for this A.I. robotic control.

This brief article has 3 pictures – two are of another pastor who was recently arrested – showing him being dragged away by police.

Pray for the true believers who face the insane sadism and cruelty of merciless armies and government officials in countries worldwide – particularly in your own country. We see some of this in Isaiah 13:12-22, which speaks of the mercilessness of the Chinese, Iranians, Russians, and all others who join with them in the attack on America. It aligns to Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 18, and other chapters.

Isaiah 13 starts out with Yahuwah sending “giants”/Nephilim to do His will. Giants are now being raised out of stasis, also DNA taken from their bones so they can be cloned. Giants have been seen in many places in the last few years.

Isaiah 13, the whole chapter, is applicable to every nation on earth, but because it is addressed to end-time Babel, the Babel that has now cloned Nimrod from his own DNA, preparing a body for his entrance into it, is being prepared to be destroyed. The set-up for America’s destruction is totally in place.

Refer to the recent article, still under “Recent Articles,” “The Return of Nimrod.” It’s a fact, no sci-fi!

Use this article to inspire your own preparation, because it’s coming to your door, as well as to all who are genuinely born of the Spirit of Yahuwah. Also make sure you’ve prepared with long-term food and lots of water. These life-needs are being taken from us.

In His love, Yedidah

June 4, 2021




1.4 MiB

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