Shalom! Blessings!

“Pastor Benjamin Faircloth – Appointed to Die” is an article/notes on a teaching he gave July 3, 2024 from Acts 1, as a guest speaker on Steve Quayle’s Wednesday broadcast.

As always, this very deep and wise man of Yahuwah teaches on things few pastors nowadays will touch on at all. This is a message that comes out of the “ancient paths” understanding of Yahuwah and Yahushua Themselves. (Jeremiah 6:16)

As I wrote to you already, tomorrow night begins the month of Av. We are moving ever-so-quickly towards Yahuwah’s new year in Tishre, a time of the fulfillment of so many Scriptures, especially now.

We really need hard, blunt teaching now so that we might be prepared for whatever happens from now on that leads us ever-closer to the return of Messiah and the time of great tribulation/pressure that precedes us – preparing us for His return for us with rewards in His Kingdom.

If you apply the teachings of this article, which I will podcast tomorrow, July 7th, you will be prepared to go through whatever it takes to remain loyal to the Master who bought you and His and our Eternal Father. Daniel 3 and 6 – these 4 young men knew what it meant to be loyal to their God and have Him be loyal to them.

If you balk at this teaching, I pray you will be fearful of its truth and repent, then conforming to Yahuwah’s standards for going on from a true new birth, and second submitting to the Master’s training so that through obedience to Him as Master, you can enter eternity with rewards.

The division of the wise and foolish virgins is happening now. Make sure you are on the right side to continue on to the wedding feast (Matthew 24:1-12). The waning time of the assembly of Laodicea that I’ve been writing about, and podcasting about, is almost gone – the lukewarm can’t enter the wedding feast. Also read Luke 12-14 – very highly important chapters that describe our part in preparing for the return of the Master-our Savior.

“Death to self” very simply means you give up your will to the will of Yahuwah! That’s not “death” but actually abundant life! That’s not religion – that’s real. I know for sure.

You hear the Father’s Spirit in your re-born, Spirit-filled spirit within you, and you say “Yes Sir.” You obey what He says and add none of your ideas to it. Oh the freedom in that! Oh the real joy, the real peace.

We can live in such peace and joy, continually, with faith undaunted. But, if we choose to be “head-strong,” rebellious, self-centered, all He can do is let us go to your own destruction.

We are IN the “days of Noah,” and His judgment and wrath are building – righteously. (Genesis 6-7) Wise Noah obeyed and built an ark that would withstand the Flood, proven to be a worldwide flood. Let us please Yahuwah as Noah pleased Him and obeyed Him to the saving of the human race.

Few will be left alive on earth before Messiah returns. We want to go before our Master as a loyal and faithful servant to hear Him say “Well done good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in little, I will make you faithful in much – enter into the joy of your Master.” Remember: “If He’s not Master of all, He’s not Master at all,” and His words to the disobedient will be “Depart from Me; I never knew you.”

“Choose this day whom you will serve.”

Shalom, in His love, Yedidah – July 6, 2024

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