Shalom, Greetings:

“Paradise! Where Was It? Where Is It Now?” is #23.0 under the Mikvah of Eternal Salvation.

I’m holding back some very important urgent information that I want to share with you – because things are much further along in the fulfillment of end-time prophecy that few want to even think about. This article comes from a revelation that Yahuwah gave me during the night of August 6th. It will build your faith if acted on! As a lover of Truth, Abba is allowing me to learn things so my preparation will be more urgent, and yours also. We must take everything to Him and receive what He thinks about it – as He gives us His peace, and His rest in mind and emotions, in body, and in spirit.

I am still asking Abba about what exactly to share as far as what is being planned and what is about to happen because of what has been planned. This week will begin a lot of things. He is also clarifying to me His timing. That is an overwhelming “project” that He has me doing, going back to what He taught me in 2007, but especially drawing it all together for right now. His timing for us is now locking into what the Beast has planned, and His plans for us during it and after it.

What I want to do in this article, and tomorrow’s podcast of it, is to show you your great future, your great place of Being on this planet, and what He has for you. I want to plant some excitement in you so that you look beyond the doom and gloom of oppressing reality to our victory, and grab hold of it.

To grab hold of what He is saying to you, I ask you with all my heart to look up the Scriptures in this article, and learn more as He leads. This is a study but one with open ends for you to build on. I will tell you this: It is urgent that you have food and water stored right now, also medicines or whatever else you need to live!

If you have no interest in studying about your future, it is sad, because Sha’ul says His plans for us are beyond what we could ever imagine in their goodness.

I write for those who want to go on to higher things, want to enter the higher doors for higher rewards in eternity. To go forward, we have to turn our back on the past, the bad especially, but also the good.

So, dear ones, this article will broaden the playing field, so to speak, for those who really know Yahuwah and Yahushua and are preparing to be with Them in the Kingdom.

Yes, the “saved,” the born again, the children of Yahuwah, will spend eternity in  Paradise! Paradise will become a two-dimensional state of Being as a portal, doorway, gateway, that connects the realms of the new earth and the new heavens with the throne room of Yahuwah and Yahushua, as these were connected to begin with the creation of Adam and Eve (they lived in two places at once – the Garden being an extension of the Paradise in heaven.)

This is a revelation I received in the early morning of August 6th, somewhere between midnight and 3:00 AM. I woke up to go to the bathroom — such a nuisance for us humans when we want to stay asleep! Yet, if we didn’t wake up sometimes, we might miss Yahuwah’s input, which is so often at night, and other “inconvenient times.” He doesn’t “slumber or sleep!” He waits till our mind is clear of daily activities. Then, whether in prayer, Bible study, worship, praise or awakening from sleep, He so often gives us amazing insight into things we never thought of before. This is “one of those articles.” We know a little, but the whole reality is mind-blowing – in a good way.

We were told, and it is true, that all the righteous who died before Messiah ascension, went into Paradise somewhere hidden by Yahuwah underground. But what happened to Paradise after that it was emptied into heaven? In Christian teaching, across board, it is said that Paradise was closed up, and the need for it ended. However, where was it? Where is it now – if it is “now?” Is it something that Abba ended when the cloud of witnesses went up with Messiah at His ascension?

His input thrilled me greatly, because it confirmed so much of what He has taught me over the last 21 years. I wasn’t thinking on the subject at all. When He shares things – begins to give revelation knowledge – it is always “surprise.”

Please be diligent to look up the Scriptures as a good student of Yahuwah. I don’t write “thus says Yedidah!” I only share with you what He wants said to you. I am a vessel for His Spirit to speak to you. I can say “thus says Yahuwah” to this, as He is the One who gave me this insight/revelation. So, I ask that whatever I share in an article or podcast, that you take it to Him!!! Read the Scriptures, so that the Spirit of Yahuwah can give you further revelation to you, and talk to you about yourself. I am very careful not to say anything that He does not confirm! We must never repeat what some teacher says, unless the Spirit confirms that it is true. We must be diligent students of the Word, allowing the Spirit, who is Yahuwah, to teach us so that we live in His nature, ways, and thinking!

I will podcast this as Podcast CCCV (305), probably this afternoon, or tomorrow morning.

Brothers and sisters, we are in a time of “urgency.” The “suddenly” things of I Thessalonians 5 are about to spring on us, and will overwhelm most everyone who is not prepared. We’re about to enter the sudden finalities! You must get this good encouraging knowledge into your spirit so that you will not fear the finalities – especially you who dwell in the big nation that is targeted for complete destruction, death, and takeover.

Elul is within 2 days of us. I’ll send a letter when the new moon is sighted.

In Elul, we enter the time of “T’shuva.” We at the Prayer Center will be entering a time of fasting in many ways, and much prayer. Please join us in spirit and truth.

Please, go to the Mikvah of the Covenant and read the articles on Elul and T’shuva, like “The Miracle of Elul: Day of New Beginnings” [Podcast CXVII: We Welcome Elul! We Welcome T’shuvah] Bless yourself; be like Esther – for the hybrid “Hamans” are amassing against Yahuwah’s people.

In His love and compassion for His people, Yedidah

August 8, 2021

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