Shalom! Chag Sameach!
“Packing for Eternity” is #64.0 under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure.
This article is both a prayer request for myself, and for my daughter-in-law who is helping me find a place to live under the pressure of a deadline in mid-October, and also an exhortation and encouragement to you to get packing. You are going somewhere. How you do where your going depends on how you pack.
I am in the midst of seriously packing of my things in my little apartment to move, as soon as a place opens up for me by the working of Abba Yahuwah. My faith is totally in Him! I also ask you to pray for my daughter-in-law, a math teacher, Teacher’s coach, and real estate agent. She is seriously helping me to find a place. Twice now, I’ve thought I had the perfect apartment and twice my hopes have been dashed to oblivion.
It’s a fresh slate tomorrow once again. Rebecca has to wait to finish her teaching to be able to take me to apartment managers to apply. Please pray for Rebecca! Abba wants me out soon. I’ve been up against deadlines before, and He’s always come through with something wonderful. I have given my notice to my present apartment manager that I would be out by October 31st. I will be out, even if I have to put my things in storage while I look further. However, I do not believe that is Yahuwah’s will for me to put things in storage. I am seriously packing because I feel the urgency of Yahuwah. He gives me strength as I do what I can each day to prepare. Moving here and there has been a lifestyle for me in the last 24 years. It is just harder now. Yet, He gives me peace.
Abba has given me Exodus 14:13-15 as my Scriptures from Him. Moses and I have had several interactions since 2008, so I can imagine him holding out his rod over the sea. I can imagine what went through his mind with millions of people boxed in at Nuweba, and Pharaoh pursuing. Yahuwah said to him, “why do you cry to Me?”
I lived within walking distance of the Red Sea for 8 years, and loved it. From Nuweba across to Saudi Arabia is about 5 miles. I swam in the Red Sea many times. It has a great barrier reef off shore from Aqaba, the ancient Etzion Geber. The waters between Egypt and Saudi Arabia are teaming with fish. I even swam there with barracuda near. Now, I feel the evil ones, i.e. Pharaoh pursuing, and the urgency from Abba to cross the sea to His most set-apart place.
Blessings to you, thank you!
Yedidah – September 22, 2020