One World Religion! The Mystery Babylon We Never Imagined! The Vatican Bows!


After spending four days back in Georgia with my three daughters, for my oldest granddaughter’s High School graduation on Friday night, I returned ready to jump back into my world that Abba has assigned me to live in here in Texas – back to my work of exposing lies and deceptions, telling the Truth about what the enemy has planned, and, most of all, to promote Yahuwah’s Person, and His Word, to promote salvation through His Son, and prepare His children for the coming of Yahushua Messiah, our Redeemer. Actually that is your life’s assignment to! (Acts 1:8)

This article contains a lot of concentrated information! I give you lots of references to search out! My mind is overloaded with this surprising, and shocking,  revelation. It’s not that we had things wrong to do with end-time prophecy because the Word is clear. It’s just that Abba is fine-tuning now, saying “this is that.”

Abba has been my Teacher a great deal of my life. His Spirit teaches us Truth. But, He builds on it as we need to hear more! The source of it all and the details are unfolding. He is sharing the timing of Yahushua’s return. This is what is so overwhelming.

Did you know that the Kabbalist Jews believe 2019 is the year of the establishment of the new world order, and the appearing of their messiah, Metatron, the “Holy Serpent,” Leviathan?  In case you think that Babylonian Talmudic Judaism and Kabbalah is a fringe element of radical Hasidic Jews, think again. It is the mainstream focus of rabbinic belief – not the Torah, but the Talmud. Now the plan for the Talmud to rule earth by its Noahide Laws is going into effect.  The involvement of the Roman Catholic Church goes back to the 1960s.

This article is loaded full of new information that is surfacing more by the day.      Things are surfacing that we never dreamed of. The identity of the Revelation 17 mother of harlots, Mystery, Babylon the Great, has now become clearer.  Now we can put the puzzle pieces we have had together more easily to form a clearer picture.

Yahuwah teaches His servants all the same things by His Spirit within us, but He leaves fine-tuning of understanding for the last. He doesn’t want us to be dumped on and blown away so that we can’t think straight, even though we get overloaded at the amount of revealed revelation.  In His teaching, He builds “line upon line, precept upon precept.” If you try to start school on the high school or college level without having learned the basics in Kindergarten, you’ll really get discouraged. We have to go back and learn the basics from the Spirit of Yahuwah and His Word before trying to understand what is way above us. May are just now learning the basics – Messiah is coming back. They need to concentrate on I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:51-58, and Revelation 19.

This is article #8 of the Noahide series, exposing the one world religion, its false prophet, and how the one world religion is being set up.

THE VATICAN BOWS! Yes! Back in the 1960s during Vatican Council II, the Vatican began working closely with Talmudic Kabbalists to deny the Deity of Messiah, dump the trinity doctrine, and develop a close relationship with Elite rabbis TO PROMOTE the Noahide Laws. Mind bogging isn’t it?

I thank you for your prayers. I thank you for sending offerings to help me continue here financially.  I thank you for sharing this vital information about the plans for Revelation 20:4 with others. I realize that this truth cuts across those Christians and Messianics who idolize Jewish rabbis and Jews in general as “the chosen people,” adoring and believing the words of saintly rabbis, set-apart Judaism, and magical attraction of “the holy land.” But, it is all a façade, and we must tap into Abba’s mind about what is happening. He loves His real people, and will protect them. The chosen ones were chosen before the foundation of the world, and their names put in the Book of Life – people from all tribes of Israel and the nations too. We were chosen according to His foreknowledge. No particular race is more “chosen” than anyone else! We are not gentiles at the mercy of an exalted race who says they are “chosen.” Please refer to: “Are You a Gentile?” No one in Messiah is gentile! Yahuwah never called His children “gentiles.” In Messiah we are children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – no matter what our human lineage.

Pray for His chosen ones – those known by Him before the foundation of the world and chosen by Him to be born again based by faith in His Son, based on His foreknowledge. The persecution of Christian and Messianic believers in Israel is horrendous and getting worse, even violent by Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish hate groups. The world system wants to wipe out all Christians and Messianic believers!

Please be aware that when America passes the anti-Semitism bill in the Senate, speaking these truths in these now 8 articles will be illegal. The world government is in place now, and we’re not supposed to know who it is.

Please print out the articles for your studying, and share with others as led by Abba to save the lives of the innocent. Be sure to read the articles on the 5-part series of Waiting on Yahuwah Waiting on Yahushua. Be sure to listen to the podcasts also, and share them with others. Seek Him with all your heart!

Blessings to you all, shalom, love,


May 28, 2019

For giving tithes or offering love gifts:

1) Address for 2019: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162


2) Or use the Pay Pal option under “Contact” on main page upper right hand corner.

Note: My son, Derek Townsend, manages my website, and my Pay Pal account, so you’ll see his name when you go to send via Pay Pal, but all offerings come to me!

One World Religion! The Mystery Babylon We Never Imagined! The Vatican Bows!
One World Religion! The Mystery Babylon We Never Imagined! The Vatican Bows!
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