Notice! From Yedidah

Greetings: NOTICE!

In the last article with “Quotes…” from Michael Hoffman’s book Judaism’s Strange Gods, I urged you to buy this book and read it, share it with others, and use its knowledge to follow end-time prophecy.

The day after it was posted the Quotes article, a researcher in England wrote me saying that Amazon was now charging $141.00 for the 1st edition of Hoffman’s book. I checked today. Amazon is charging $137.70 for the 1st edition. As Dr. Lorraine Day recommended, the second edition is the better one.

I paid $19.95 plus shipping and handling from Amazon about a month ago for the 2nd edition but now they are not offering his second edition at all.

The English researcher gave a link to where you can purchase the 2nd edition for $19.00 plus shipping and handling:

I checked it out, and yes, you can get it from this online bookstore. They give a good description of the book and the Contents, with a picture.

When Dr. Day was interviewed by Jana ben Nun about the Noahide Laws, 3-weeks to a month ago, Google put up a caution sign. I had to click on it to watch the YouTube video. Then Google took it off the next day. It is powerful truth!

I included quite a few quotes by Dr. Day in the article: ““Shocking Revelation! DNA Reality! `Harmless Noahide Laws,’ the Great Deception, Trump, Kushner, and the Mark of the Beast”

Hoffman exposes the Globalist Zionist-based agenda. If you’ve been following my articles, now 13, you’re seeing prophecy unfold like we’ve never had it explained before. The lid is off “Pandora’s Box” and now quite a few are coming forward to warn us.

Dr. Lorraine Day’s husband, Bill Dannemeyer, was a member of Congress in 1991 when the Noahide Laws became U.S. Law, hidden inside an Education Bill, the law being put under Chabad/Hasidic/Lubavich Rabbi Schneerson, his birthday to be honored each year, April 18th.

I began writing about these things in 2008, in “Beware of the Noahide Laws” under the Mikvah of Present Reality. Since December of 2018, I’ve written now 12 more articles exposing the Babylonian Talmud, Kabbalah, and Noahide Laws. The last one is a compilation of “15) “Quotes That Forever Destroy Damming Illusions”

taken from Michael Hoffman’s book, and a couple of other sources.

As Dr. Day described, the day the law were passed in March of 1991, Congressman Dannemeyer went to the House to vote. But, like all the other members of the House of Representatives that day, he was told to go home. FOUR PEOPLE passed the laws secretly that day.

Now that those like Steven and Jana ben Nun, Adam Green, Rev. Ted Pike, and others are exposing these laws. Google is censoring YouTube to take off videos that expose the truth about the Noahide Laws. Steven and Jana have really been attacked by Google so consistently that they put on their videos (Israeli News Live You Tube), but take them off the same day. They also have a Patrion channel.

I also recommended Deanne Loper’s book Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know: An In Depth Study of the Kosher Pig and the Gods of Jewish Mysticism. It is $9.99 paperback on Amazon.

As Hoffman writes, Rabbinic Judaism is Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah – not the Old Testament/Tenach.

Share the Truth, use this truth to share the Good News of the Savior!



July 3, 2019


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