SHALOM! Greetings!

“Noah, the 144,000 Remnant, and Plans for This Halloween” is under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

There is a lot of valuable information and revelation from the Word in this! It is a study but contains a hard dose of reality that should shock the lazy into serious action and discipline. What I write here is not speculation, but absolute truth. There is a message that Satan is sending to the remnant of the final days and it is received. It only makes His remnant more determined to give themselves 100% to Him. What is planned for Halloween this year by Satanists? It’s a shocker, but it sends a message to Abba’s people.

This brief article contains a revelation that is mind-boggling, shared with me by my son while sitting on the beach of Galveston Island a few days ago.

Yes, as part of my extended birthday present, I got to spend 4 days on the Island in a lovely condominium overlooking the sea with my son, his wife and her mother. We had such a fantastic time, even though there were a few periods of rain, the sun came out for us. I had not seen the ocean since 2015 before I left Florida to move with my daughter and her family to Georgia. I grew up on the southern California coast and in my travels have been to oceans and seas all over the world, to at least 30 as I remember. Sadly, now I’m inland. However, with what will happen to the oceans – well, it is more than sad.

Monday morning, after I got back, I began the catching up of events since I left on Thursday. I’ve filtered through an enormous amount of information. I’ve only listened to 3 main watchmen that I know are reporting truth. I am overwhelmed with the speed of events going faster and faster. The watchmen are all saying “it’s all happening at once.” Yes, it is. Throw away all those man-made charts, and learn from the whole of the Word – from the ancient prospective given in the Word. Western world thinkers are often so far from understanding the ancient culture ways and thinking, so make up so many things using the English translations of the Bible – not studying the original word meanings from a concordance, just taking verses out of context in English to make up their “eschatology.” It sure is leading a lot of lazy people away from truth. “Study to show yourself approved unto Yahuwah – a workman who does not need to be ashamed.” Study with the Teacher within – the Spirit, Yahuwah, within your re-born spirit-temple. Let Him lead your study and show you “great and mighty things you know not.”

Pray for Steve Quayle. He was in the hospital with serious pneumonia. He’s home now, but still very weak, being cared for by his wife. He just wore himself down, not getting enough sleep, to keep up with fast-moving events so he could report to us about them. He’s said something I’ve thought many times: “Why do I care more about people than they care about themselves?” Lots of the watchmen are wondering the same thing. We exhaust ourselves to share things that people have to know to prepare – yet hardly anyone is preparing. I concentrate a lot of information into my articles, sharing things at times that are only known by people in top-secret places, yet I hear from hardly anyone about anything. Few want to know the details of the truth. Few really desire to study to know Truth and to act on it. Time is about up – and those who skim over reality and avoid it, are going to find themselves faced with great tribulation.

Many think “Jesus” might come back in 10-50 years. Yet, as the edicts go forth by the day from Washington D.C. – the citizens of America are losing their jobs if they are not complying with the now very deadly vaccine. The economy is collapsing, we’re moving into famine conditions, and people’s minds are getting more and more dull. No matter how much is shared for an overcoming life, few want to put out the effort to achieve it.

It appears, as Mike Adams shared, that what we knew 6 months ago is happening – i.e. people who had the vaccines are dying because of what the vaccines are doing to their bodies. The horror stories are truly that – horror stories. Those who have been vaccinated will start dying by the thousands.

The frightening insanity is that now the vaccine is being mandated to keep a job, while all those hundreds of thousands of foreigners being brought into the US to take the jobs of the American citizens are unvaccinated. They do not have to take any vaccines!!! That’s right! All the illegal immigrants, or those helped across our borders by buses or planes do not have to be vaccinated – only American citizens. Many are being put up in hotels like Homewood Suits – given free lodging and free food. Sounds suspicious to say the least. Americans are set up to die in some way, while foreigners and the military take over.

So few are using the power of the Spirit within to make their plans and follow through with what Yahuwah is saying. Even Satan knows his time is short, but few humans know that.


Love, shalom, Yedidah – October 7, 2021

Noah, the 144 000 Remnant, and Plans For Halloween
Noah, the 144 000 Remnant, and Plans For Halloween
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