Greetings! Happy Rosh Chodesh!

Last night, July 18th, in Jerusalem, the new moon was sighted by two or more witnesses for the month of Av. I would have written about this to you yesterday afternoon, but my internet was not working.

We know that on the 9th of Av Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem in 586 BCE and his Captain, Nebuzaradan, burned the city to the ground including the Temple of Solomon, and took what was left of importance to Babylon. (II Kings and II Chronicles and Jeremiah) The destruction of the Second Temple, Herod’s Temple, took place in 70 CE on the 9th of Av.

The real “Third Temple” will be the Temple described in Ezekiel 40-46, which will be the Temple used in the Kingdom of Yahushua Messiah during His 1,000-year reign (Revelation 20).

There is no “third temple” approved by Yahuwah other than the one shown to Ezekiel! That temple structure will be massive. That Temple is also spoken of in Zechariah 6:12-15. Do the rabbis in Israel now know that their “third temple” is not the one in Ezekiel or Zechariah? Yes, but they are pressed by the desire for their own idea of Messiah, who is really the antichrist/anti-messiah, to build an illegitimate “third temple” for the “Beast” to rule from.

Enjoy every day. Treasure the days of freedom and external peace, for they are nearly gone. Use the time we have left to prepare yourself for what we will go through on our journey of overcoming, and enduring to the “end.” We have eternity to look forward to!!!

Shalom, blessings, Yedidah

July 19, 2023

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