Happy Rosh Chodesh:

Tonight, December 15th, there was no new moon sighted in Jerusalem, nor anywhere in Israel, reported by Devorah Gordon’s website and Thus, at sunset, tonight wherever you are on earth, we enter the 30th day of Kislev. Sunset tomorrow night, December 16th, we enter the first day of the 10th month of Tevet.

It is somewhat confusing to westerners because Yahuwah’s calendar begins at sunset, and the world’s calendar begins the new day at 12:00 AM – midnight. Anyway, tomorrow night at sunset, we begin the Hebrew month of Tevet.

Have you noticed that time seems to be speeding up? I believe we are feeling the spiritual rush of the supernatural realm as we move towards the eternal realm. It seems that all of humanity senses things are changing rapidly.

The night of December 21st there will be “grand conjunction,” such as has not been since 1620 in its intensity. Jupiter and Saturn will come 01.0 distance from each other. It will not be as bright as the star of Bethlehem, but it could be a “sign in the heavens” of the coming of the Messiah again! [No, He was not born on Christmas…]

A conjunction similar to this, but a brighter one, was in retrograde for many months. It kept coming back again and again until it rested over Bethlehem on December 25th 02 BCE, Hanukkah day 1. It was so bright that it led wise men from Parthia to Bethlehem to bring gifts to the 15-month-old toddler named Yahushua. These magi/wise men/astronomers/astrologers brought with them the treasure of Daniel, perhaps several million dollars in today’s currency. They came with a mighty entourage of magi and soldiers. Their goal was to bring back the little King, son of David through Nathan, to raise up to rule over them. They were of the House of Israel, a nation of the 10 northern tribes. The lineage of Nathan, son of King David, had ruled over them for centuries. Parthia was also a serious rival to Rome. The magi were warned by Yahuwah to flee, and they did, not taking their prize King. Herod thought they were there to break the “Cold War” with Rome. He feared them greatly. He also began his killing spree of babies under 2 to get rid of any “king of the Jews” the Parthians told him about.

Ezekiel was sent to the House of Israel, as he was in Babylon after the first dispersion from Jerusalem. He was sent to call them back to Yahuwah. Where were they? They were in the kingdom of Parthia. He told them about Daniel. They sent representatives to meet with Daniel. Before his death, Daniel entrusted them with his fortune that he gained in his rule in Babylon, and by his favor with Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, and Koresh/Cyrus. So, it was on Hanukkah December 25th of 02 BCE that these faithful magi of Parthia brought the treasures of Daniel to the little toddler-King.

Later Sha’ul wrote that He did not cling to His wealth, but walked away from it to do what He came to do. His uncle Joseph of Arimathea was a very wealthy man – his “uncle” through his mother’s lineage. He sailed with Joseph, as historical records indicate, following the world-tour route of Jeremiah, on a big Phoenician ship to visit whom He came primarily to save – the House of Israel. (Matthew 15:24, and 10:5-6) – the ten northern tribes – that ended up the majority of the families of America.  [Refer to the book Parthia by Steven Collins]

The majority of the House of Israel migrated from Assyria, where they had been exiled from 722 BCE, across Turkey, across Europe, to what became America. They also traveled into what today South America, Central America, and Mexico – up into Canada also. Some returned during the time of King Josiah (II Kings 22-23/II Chronicles 34-35).

As they were traveling north of Israel, Yahuwah told Jeremiah to prophesy to them to come home. (Jeremiah 3:12-13). The message got to some of them, and representatives of all 10 tribes came to the greatest Passover there ever was.

Bringing gifts at Hannukah is still a tradition today. The conception of Yahushua on day 1 of Hanukkah 04 BCE was prophesied in Haggai 2. Also, His birth 40 weeks later on Yom Teruah, September 11, 03 BCE, and the visit of the magi in 02 BCE are part of Roman historical records. He was born at the “Tower of the Flock,” (Micah 5:8), near Bethlehem-Ephrat, where the spotless lambs were raised for Temple sacrifice for the nation. The Shepherds were Levites. Remember that both Miriam and Yosef were direct descendants of the kingly line of David – Yosef through Solomon, and Miriam through Nathan. The environment was as ceremonially clean as possible. He was laid in a stone crib. He was wrapped in priest’s undergarments, called “swaddling clothes.” These were also used as wicks for the lights in the Temple during the Fall festivals.

Zechariah, father of Yochanan/John the baptizer, a priest in Jerusalem, made sure that they had a place to give birth to the kingly child that was private and clean. The undergarments were most likely his. After all, Elisheva/Elizabeth was Miriam’s aunt. Her child was Yahushua’s first cousin.

Yahuwah confirms many things by His use of dates, both dates the world understands, and dates of His ancient culture.

The month of Tevet, as we conclude 2020 and enter a “new year” on the Gregorian calendar, moves us ever closer to global takeover in preparation for a “Beast” regime, and the depopulation of most of the earth’s people. Yesterday, by the proclamation of the Electoral College, America ceased to be the Constitutional Republic it was meant to be.

Remember Revelation 12:11, as Satan is thrown into the earth along with all of his fallen angel friends and their offspring, there is a people rising who “overcome all by the blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony, and they love not their lives even to death.” These are those who rest from their labors, and their rewards follow them – Revelation 14:13-14.

The ultimate goal of our lives is to stand before the King of kings and have Him smile, and welcome us into His Kingdom with the words, “well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in little, I will make you faithful in much – enter into the joy of your Master.”

Happy Rosh Chodesh! Yedidah

December 15, 2020



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