Blessings lovers of the ancient paths!

Genesis 1:14: “And God said, `Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for appointed times, and for days and for years”

     Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus says Yahuwah `Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the ancient paths where the good way is and walk in it, and find rest for yourselves.’”

According to Devorah Gordon, Devorah’s Date Tree, from Jerusalem, the new moon was sighted tonight by three witness in the Arabah, between Be’ersheva and Eilat, aka the Negev Desert. She and others waited to see the new moon in Jerusalem but were drenched with a heavy rain that fell in and around Jerusalem.

I’ve done sightings from Jerusalem for many years, even with Devorah Gordon. I’ve gone by the sightings reported from Jerusalem ever since. (2000 – 2021)

Therefore, you determine whether tonight, January 14th begins the new month of Sha’vat, the 11th Hebrew month, or if it will be tomorrow night the 15th by default. You ask Yahuwah what His opinion is, and go with His peace! In just accepting January 14th by 3 people in the Aravah, my spirit was troubled. So, by default, I, and Derek and wife, will celebrate tomorrow night, January 15th.

Hebrew months are either 29 days or 30 days depending on the sighting of the new moon, from ancient times from Jerusalem. The Arabs still go by a strict lunar calendar, and determine months by the sighting of the new moon by two or more witnesses. It is amazing how they follow so much of the Torah. It was wonderful living with them, with Palestinians, and those of other Middle East nations.

This rule from Jerusalem for Judeans was so that the witnesses, at least 2, who saw the new moon would go to the Eastern Gate and call up to the Temple Mount telling the High Priest who was summoned that they have sighted the new moon. After the High Priest was satisfied with their honesty, a fire was lit on the Mount of Olives, and then fires on hills to the north up to the north, so that all in Judea and Samaria would know the new month had begun.

Today we have internet. Today within seconds the new moon sightings can be reported all over the world. Yet, in following the most ancient paths of Judea from the days of Solomon’s Temple to 70 CE, there were to be two witnesses from Jerusalem. Today our High Priest is Yahushua. Even so, in preparation for the Kingdom, we rehearse the ancient paths which will be re-established under Yahushua ha Machiach in His Kingdom.

The Aravah begins about an hour’s drive south of Jerusalem from the base of the Dead Sea into the “wilderness.” It begins at Be’ersheva and ends in Eliat on the Red Sea.

I simply say “go with the peace Yahuwah gives and His instructions that bring understanding.” I pass onto you the report by Devorah Gordon from Jerusalem, and from She was out watching tonight to site the new moon in Jerusalem but she said she got drenched from the rain, but she was glad 3 reported from the Aravah.

Devorah reports that IF the barley is in the aviv stage in early March, the projected date of Passover is March 28th by Devorah Gordon. Devorah reports that the first day of Chag Ha Matzot would be March 28th sunset to March 29th sunset, or close to it, depending on the sighting of the new moon for Aviv. It also depends on the aviv (ripening) stage of the barley. So, Devorah Gordon and Nehemia Gordon and team will begin the barley search in early March. I know them. I appreciate them. I just do not follow any human being for my faith and actions.

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I did check with Going by those same three in the Aravah and reports from other places in Israel (not Jerusalem) they are saying that the new moon of Sh’vat will be tonight, January 14th.

OK, yes it is 2021 CE. Is it still valid to accept the sighting of the new moon by witnesses from areas outside of the immediate area of Jerusalem? For example, Tekoa is 4 miles from Jerusalem. Sightings from there are valid.

Sorry if I cross anyone’s opinions of their chosen belief-system! I do not accept head belief-systems as valid for anything much more than directions to Walmart. I know quite a few Messianic folks go by the dark of the moon. However, that’s not  ancient paths – that’s telescope, internet, or supernatural eyesight. Most humans can’t see a new moon with their naked eye the two days before it’s first sliver is visible from Jerusalem – except via technology – maybe a program on your cell phone. Ancient paths are ancient paths.

I love you all! Go to Yahuwah – ask Him. He is the only true source of absolute Truth. Let Him tell you what’s right and give you peace in your re-born spirit. If you don’t know how to hear from Him, you need to focus on your relationship with Yahuwah, not the cosmos.

Shalom, in His love, Yedidah

January 14, 2020

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