Packing Update: Thank you for your prayers!!! Abba never deviates from His way of doing things for His servants. His faithfulness is more than amazing! His consistency is overwhelming, never failing those who trust in Him. He had given me Exodus 14:13-15 and talked me through it, highlighting the statement: “Stand still and see the salvation of Yahuwah with you.”
Today, while reading a sermon written down in 1814, describing our deliverance from the world system of antichrist, the “reverend” used Exodus 14:13-15, and described the scenario just as the man in 1814. Abba always confirms His Word.
I am in the midst of serious packing for moving. I went yesterday morning with my daughter-in-law’s mom, Brigitte, to meet with a Texas leasing company agent to look at a duplex within a short distance of Brigitte’s new apartment and the road to Derek and Rebecca’s house (my son and daughter-in-law). The duplex was built in the late 1970s, but nicely fixed up. It has a back porch and small fenced back yard, nice flooring, with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, other big rooms, and nice kitchen, even though I’ll have to buy my own refrigerator. It’s on a dead-end street off of a main road in the town. It has a lot of potential. There are 4 duplexes along that two-block street.
Instead of looking at an upstairs apartment and a townhouse (with stairs), I went back with the agent to the leasing office. I can walk upstairs, but not down stairs. At the leasing office, I filled out an application for the duplex, and put down a whopping deposit and small application fee.
My daughter-in-law, Rebecca, a math teacher, teacher’s coach, and real estate agent, said both fees were less than normal in amount. I knew they had to do a background check and financial check and then they’d get back to me later. I went back to Brigitte’s now-sold house. She had more things to move out. Rebecca and Derek went to Brigitte’s house to help her. About 5:00 PM, Rebecca called me, and we went to a restaurant for dinner.
On the way there, I told about how the ladies in the office gathered around me and wanted to know about my travels and teaching. It was an enjoyable time in the office. Rebecca was driving us to the restaurant. We stopped at a red light. She turned around, and with a smile on her face said that the lady called her – and I’m approved. The HalleluYahs broke out with clapping.
She said that they ran the background check on me while I was waiting for Brigitte to pick me up. What a shocking surprise!!! It usually takes 1-2 weeks for the background check and financial approval. They went by my bank statements and Pay Pal records for 2020. They approved me right away. So, we celebrated.
I am packing, and will be out and moved right after Simchat Torah – which closes the Fall Festival season. That’s just when I felt to get moved out.
I’m kinda numb. It all happened so fast. But, then, that’s Abba!!! He waited 430 years. Then He “remembered” Ya’cob’s children in Egypt. He sent Moses in, and within a very short time several million people came out of Egypt. He has everything under control! Abba takes us out of Egypt, across the Red Sea, around Sinai, into the desert, and then into the promised land – for me it was 3 weeks. He reminded me of the Red Sea crossing scenario and taught me some things that related to me. He gave me Exodus 14:13-15 to stand on. I was in transition to a new beginning, and had to think and act like Moses.
Today, I began reading a sermon, written down in 1814, about the rising of the Beast system and the Beast antichrist of the last days. He began talking about how believers should stand during the tribulation. He quoted Exodus 14:13-15 and elaborated on it, just as Abba elaborated on it to me. Yahuwah is a loving Abba -Daddy – and He always confirms to His children what He has said. That never fails!
So, my head’s kind of spinning. I have been packing for about a week, doing the detail things, like taking down pictures and covering the nail holes with spackling paste. I guess my apartment manager, where I am now, gave me a good recommendation yesterday. I’ve always paid rent 4-5 days ahead, as well as all my bills. I hate leaving this apartment area. It’s been good. I stayed in this apartment complex with my youngest daughter for 3 years from 1996-1999 before I moved to Jordan. I’ve been here 2 years, October 2018–2020.
The Prayer Center walls are going up on the building in Pastor’s back yard … and it won’t be long before we’ll be meeting there. We’ve been meeting a 5-minute drive from where I am now. From my new location in a small town south about 40 minutes, the Prayer Center will be about 15-minutes’ drive from where I’ll be, and it will be about 12 minutes’ drive to Derek and Rebecca’s home.
I thank you for your prayers for me. Once again, in obeying Abba and flowing with His will, He pulled off another miracle. I was up against a dead line, but He’s always on time – however, NOT what we think “on time” is. (smile).
In His love, Yedidah
September 24, 2020