My Journey in Understanding Tithes and Offerings at the Place of the Gathering of Yahuwah’s People


The article comes from life experiences taught to me by Yahuwah Himself. It is entitled “My Journey in Understanding Tithes and Offerings at the Place of the Gathering of Yahuwah’s People.” It is #73.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, or recent articles.

Yesterday I sent out a special letter to all of you with my new Fort Worth, Texas, Post Office Box. This article is an update of my journey to date, and what Abba has taught me. This article tells of my journey in understanding. In it I share some of His miracles of financial help. His ways are unique to say the least.

I hope this article will explain some things to you about what Abba is instructing us to do so that we might remain in His blessings. I am always learning new things from Him. I hope you are too. He is always introducing new things to us that He wants us to do. It is quite an adventure to “follow the Lamb wherever He goes,” (Revelation 14:1-5).

John 3:8 is true of the born again – like wind, we blow where He leads us – and like the wind, we never know when He’ll change our path. As the Steven Curtis Chapman song says “…this is the great adventure!”

No, I do not teach the “name it and claim it” idiocy that giving money to a ministry insures that you will become rich. There are strict requirements for giving, and greed in the name of religion is no more than lust-of-the-flesh teaching. It is obedience is what causes us to go forward and have our needs met. He has always met my needs. I am rich in faith, because I know His faithfulness! Our rewards are of His choosing, for He knows what we need more than we do. Knowing Him is our greatest blessing and privilege -walking with Him in His love!

As you read this, if you have questions, ask. If you need prayer, ask. Are not the born ones part of His family? Please read yesterday’s letter and this article to see the journey that Abba has for you. We’re in this together.

In His love,


November 8, 2018

For tithes or love-offerings:

1) New Address as of November 5, 2018: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162

2) Or use the Pay Pal option under “Contact” on main page upper right hand corner.






My Journey in Understanding Tithes and Offerings at the Place of the Gathering of Yahushua's People
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