“My Dream: The Time is Coming When All Will Collapse Except Those That Are Sheltered by Yahuwah” is #75.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.
This will be podcasted as Podcast CCXXXX in the next couple of days.
This article is written to share the message that Yahuwah gave to me in this dream in 2008, which is His message to us now more than ever before. The dream could have been given yesterday it is so relevant to now.
His people must not just hear the watchmen, or take notes on what they say, or read articles and file them in a folder, download podcasts, go to conferences, or read the Bible on preferred topics, but diligently DO what Yahuwah is saying – prepare, be serious, the time is urgent.
I have given step-by-step instructions on so many topics that are vital for survival, like walking by faith, hearing the Spirit for oneself, and correct spiritual warfare. I can do no more. So many years of teaching in so many countries, and so few putting in practice what they hear. This is the outspoken grief I am hearing also out of all the watchmen!
All the watchmen cry “prepare,” and have since at least 2009, but most people are not prepared except to suffer and die because of their own apathy. “Those that know their Elohim will be strong, and will act.” (Daniel 11:32) The word “know” is a term of intimacy. They are strong because of personal relationship with the Master and obedience to Him without balking. They “act” when He speaks, thus He can trust them. This does not happen overnight.
Life is not ever going to the same as it was before January 1, 2020. So, I exhort you to act on what He is saying to you through His watchmen, so that you are not a casualty in this war to the eternal end which we are in.
In His love, shalom, blessings, Yedidah
September 4, 2020