
“Must-Know Information For Full-Blooded Human Beings Only” is #233.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality or “Recent Articles on the main page.”

I don’t think I’m introducing a totally new fact-sheet to most of you. However, Mike Adams does expand the information further. This information is connected to the goal of “The Return of Nimrod,” which I posted yesterday under the Mikvah of Preparation, or under “Recent Articles.” That was a thorough article, giving information I’ve known for decades, all tied together with what happened in 2003 and the results today.

The extermination, annihilation, is the goal of everything we’re seeing – by many, many means, from famine, to psychological control leading to suicide, to disease-plagues, to weather-warfare, to WWIII, to the world-wide infertility drive, to abortion, to drugs, to satanic sacrifice, and other outright murder of human beings by all types of weapons, from bullets, and from cannibals, to nuclear-warhead hypersonic missiles.

Earth’s population is nearly 8 billion. How can 8 billion people be exterminated, annihilated, as the Scriptures tell us? Scripture tells us that if Messiah doesn’t intervene, NO human flesh will be saved on earth. Mark 13:20 “And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.”

Plans for 500 million hybrids – humans hooked up to A.I. like a quantum computer – to be slaves of the hybrids is the openly-stated goal, but real humans with a free mind, and an eternal spirit, no – they’ve all gotta go. Remember, no spirit, or a dead spirit – no eternal life possible.

This is what blows me away are the Christians and Messianics rejecting the baptism into the Spirit as a necessity for today, and the transhumanists and vaccine-enforcers causing people to lose their eternal spirit that cannot receive Yahuwah, who is the Spirit, after a true new birth. The reason: The true new birth takes a human out of the reach of the fallen ones, so that if they kill that person, they still live on in eternity. So, the goal is the eradication of the eternal spirit that can be born again. This is the warning of II Thessalonians 2:8-12.

This 3-page article includes an article alert by Mike Adams. It zeroes in on

another way of destroying what Yahuwah designed for our blessing – our food supply by biosolids, or bio-sludge. WE MUST EAT ORGANIC FOODS.

Most people who know about this “fertilizer” on our crops, kind of sluffed off the feces, the dead bodies of human, the vaccines in the corn, etc. as part of our fertilizer of crops in America. After all, its not something that changes the taste of food. But, now … adding vaccines. Corn has had vaccines as part of its fertilizer, but now — the adding of cremated bodies of those dying from the Covid RNA-messaging “vaccine” are being added, along with all sorts of dead people.

The movie “Soylent Green” is now a reality: “Soylent green is people.”

Remember in China how dump trucks were picking up bodies of those dropping dead on the streets and taking them to huge incinerators? Well, the bodies of those who have taken the Covid “vaccine” will begin to drop onto the streets everywhere once the heart, lungs, brain, and other vital organs are destroyed by the vaccine. Or, it will come down to those who refuse the vaccine, being taken to the FEMA death camps.

Think this is impossible, i.e. “this is America, not China.” Oh yea … FEMA’s 851 death camps around the U.S. are complete with thousands of guillotines, and incinerators. They are laid out in three divisions – men, women, children. How’s that for “have a nice day.” In the meantime, ground up bodies and/or ashes of  bodies are going onto your broccoli, green beans, and tomatoes, etc. etc.

Corn is used in so many ways in so many products, yet, vaccines are in its fertilizer and have been for a long time. Regarding this Covid “not-a-vaccine” that changes human DNA, and sends nano-particles into the body that are destroying vital parts of human bodies – it is killing some quicky, and others will die of it later.

I’ve given you added information here in this letter, adding to what is in the article – which contains a lot in 3 pages. Take it seriously, and buy Organic! Organic farmers do not use bio-sludge /biosolids, or fertilizers with the dead in them at all.

Shalom, shalom!!! Yedidah, May 18, 2021

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