Happy Elul 1


“Moses’ Small Secret For a Great Victory!” is #43.0 under the Mikvah of the Spirit. I will be podcasting it no later than tomorrow, Thursday August 12th.

This holds a secret for victory in spiritual warfare! It works! I pass on to you what I found that works in my life. I’ve had so many “unusual” attacks of the enemy during my life, but had a first yesterday in the morning. A couple of nights ago, as I woke up in the middle of the night, Yahuwah reminded me of this secret of victory, and how Moses put it into practice. He has taught me how to put it into practice. It works well, and fast. I pass this on to you. So many things are in the Word so clearly, but most people see it as poetry, just nice words, a spiritual concept, a philosophy, – but not as “let’s do it.” Few put the Word into action, and see what Yahuwah still does for His people.

I am writing a lot of articles and passionately podcasting, because few understand the urgency of the timing of Yahuwah. Steve Quayle posted his most passionate and urgent update/warning of his 40 years as a watchman yesterday.

He asks, I ask: Do you have enough food and water stored for 5-6 months? Are you prepared with the simple things you really need to live – not just toilet paper (smile). Do you have a good water purifier? Do you have reserve vitamins, and/or medicines? Do you have an exit plan if Abba tells you to flee? Never act on human reasoning, human emotions, or mindless fear! Make plans … The possibilities of dangerous people and danger in general coming into your house are rising.

The dams are so low in California that the electric power for the state is in danger, as well as water supplies. The water has been shut off purposely to the farmers, thus cattle and crops are dying. Food-carrying trains and trucks are not able to deliver food in some regions. In some areas, because of seeking food, the military is accompanying the food trucks and trains that are running.

The pressure of “if you don’t do what we tell you, this will happen to you” has begun. Those that refuse the deadly injection are being accused of being the trouble makers. That sounds like the Nazi propaganda that turned against the Jews.

Now, the plan, it is said, is to vaccinate all military men and women in September. Do you understand the full ramifications of what this means?

Not just U.N. troops are invited to the spoil of Americans, but NATO troops also What about all the friends Chinese, Russian, German, etc. other troops that are on our borders, and on the inside of the country waiting for the Jeremiah 50-51 wipeout/Revelation 18, Isaiah 13, 47, etc.? They are just waiting for their orders.

The Imminent WWIII is still Imminent – waiting for the final weakening of America, or possibly it will be taking out of America, then the rise of the Beast. He’s ready to go. The two witnesses are ready to go. The “witness company” – servants of Yahuwah – are ready to go — no matter where that is – as long as it ends us up in the Kingdom. The fearful, the cowardly – well… Revelation 21:8.

The Daniel 11:32 company who goes forth during the reign of the Beast. The planned lockdowns, the earthquakes, volcano eruptions, earth wobble, moon wobble, the weather patterns caused by weather warfare or outside forces from the cosmos, the creation of diseases and their “preventive measures” to aid the transhumanist agenda, the depopulation of earth, cannibalism on the rise, the end of full shelves at the grocery store, the ability to live a life of self-efficiency, the right to own property, the right to live, period – it’s all coming down and ending for us all that we’ve known. 230,000 pastors of the “Clergy Response Team” now, with about ½ million along with them, i.e. assistant pastors, teachers, deacons, social directors, church administrators – well – their loyalty is to F e m a. When all comes down, the buses will be outside the churches, and the congregations will be told that they must board the buses and be taken to the “camps” for their protection.  But, sorry guys – the protection is the beyond evil in the camps. So, if you are in a church or assembly where the leaders are part of this “team,” get out fast.

I pray that you are ready, prepared for whatever needs to be – but standing strong in the hope of eternal life.

Happy Elul 1! This is a very, very important interim month – a get it right

now or never” month. Urgent: Make your plans, prepare! Be bold and strong, as He controls your mind, emotions, and will, and you obey only His will.

In His love, Yedidah

August 11, 2021


1.3 MiB

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