
“More Imminent Now! Provoking WWIII” is #228.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality or “Recent Articles” on the main page. Be sure you’ve read the foundation article “Imminent!…” posted from a few days ago. Still under “Recent Articles,” also under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

Things are escalating faster and faster. I give you really up-to-date information and spur you on to keep up with it daily. In this up-to-date report on the escalation of World War III, I share with you current news from 3 of the most accurate truth-tellers of all. Of course, to do with the vaccine horrendous death toll and injury toll, I recommend Vaccine Impact, and Mike Adam’s Natural News. The death toll is horrendous, and so many more mutagenic dangers, under the guise of “vaccine,” are prepared to change us into something not human, but hooked up to A.I. In my last letter, I said that if you want Anthony Patch’s complete truth-telling about the plans for the vaccine and what it will do to humanity, please ask for it. We’re going quickly from stage 1 to 2, and 3 to 4. Do you want to be a quantum computer for A.I. to manipulate? You sure won’t be human anymore. Yet, fools are falling into an abyss and are proud of it because they listen to man and do not love truth.

Re-read II Thessalonians 2:8-12! Be wise – learn from those who love our Master!

This article is about the escalation of war by America provoking Russia, NATO provoking Russia. Also, we keep our eyes on what China is doing in preparing for taking Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong. Both Russia and China will be involved in the nuclear attack on the U.S. The imminent timing of it all is in the balances now. WWIII must commence in order to bring on the new world order. Abba is not holding anything back now. He stopped “striving” with the fallen ones in 2016, in order to give them their final green light before the light turns red.

The prophetic Word is compacting, and things are moving faster and faster, though on the surface, public news, pastors, rabbis, and many websites downplay any urgency. Our own Disneyland Fantasyland mind-programming has taught us to hide in our secure beliefs for comfort, even if they are totally false.

The deceivers are giving many soothing words, saying not to worry about anything – we’re all going to be healthy, wealthy, and worldly-blessed, this year. But, as intelligent beings, you yourself know in your spirit that is a lie from a slimy serpent tongue, carrying venom that kills.

Fear removes people from reality into a fantasy land, a mind-set of denial, a putting off of preparing. But, as those who walk by the Spirit, who love truth, we know what to do each day by what He impresses on us, in our spirit and through the Word.

We know that all of these things must happen to divide between His children and the children of the dark kingdom. There is a great falling away now from faith in Yahushua – i.e. Yeshua/Jesus. More and more, He is being hated, and denied, His Person trampled in the mud.

The overcoming remnant is rising. In a field of tares, a remnant of the true wheat is coming to maturity. We know that when the wheat fields are ripe for harvesting, the tares/darnel rise higher. There is nothing in the darnel heads, but they look good being so tall in the field. However, the end-time remnant wheat is rising higher than the tares, though few, they are watched over by the watchful eye of Yahuwah. Much wheat will be cut down in martyrdom, but they too are victorious and enter the Kingdom of Light.

Abba sees things opposite of man, thus we fear not, for we agree with how He sees us. We do not live by mystical or super-spiritual illusions but in reality.

This is a brief up-to-date report. Make sure you read it with the last report of a few days ago, and others I recommend. This way you’ll get an over-all foundation for what is true and what is false.

Should we pray for America the nation anymore? Should we pray for a halting of WWIII, or a slowing down of its imminency? We know it is inevitable. It’s been planned since 1971.

How do we pray for this situation now, since it is described in detail in prophecy? Recently the watchmen are hearing what Yahuwah spoke to Jeremiah so long ago, as Israel faced attack by Nebuchadnezzar: “Do not pray for this people.” Do not pray for the nation. We can pray for individuals. I pray for Vladimir Putin, not because I think he’s a godly man, but because he is exhibiting restraint right now, as President Joe is provoking Putin and his army to nuke us.

Yes, this war will be short. Steve Quayle guesses it will last as little as 3 days to 2 weeks max. The reason is because one nuclear weapon, for example, hitting New York City, as in Revelation 18, will destroy the whole thing in 1 hour. The plans, as Dimitri Dudaman saw in vision, is to hit major cities – each one reduced to ash across America. Radiation released to destroy the living slowly.

Pray for wisdom for Vladimir Putin, so that he only does what he does under the nod of Yahuwah!!! Pray for all of your brothers and sisters in Messiah who are being killed right now for no reason except American’s aggression and set-up for world government, like those in Yemen.

Pray for the born-again believers in Israel who are facing severe persecution and perhaps death, for resisting the evil being pushed on them. It’s coming to America and the whole world.

The Deagle Report, a think tank and reporter for the Rockefeller Foundation, has “predicted” their goal, saying that by 2025, the population of America will be down to 99 million. It is now near 350 million. According to the Word of Yahuwah, as in Isaiah 13, our population will get down to zero.

It is fascinating to learn that a planned pandemic called SPARS was planned to be released between 2025 and 2028. However, the inventors of it upped the timing, and it’s probably hiding under the code-name: Covid-19. Whatever it is, it was later decided to be released between 2020 and 2022. Alex Jones gave a thorough presentation on that. Like I said, things are speeding up for our sake.

Be sure to focus on what you are to do daily to prepare, and do it quickly. One thing that will probably happen before the nukes fly is the taking down of our electric grids. Are you prepared for that? Get serious!

Shalom, blessings, Yedidah

April 18, 2021



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