
“Megatsunami Alert! Volcano on La Palma 2017 and Now” is posted under the Mikvah of Preparation #84.0.

With the compacting of events of prophecy down into a short time, for our sake, Abba is allowing the technology stolen from Him by the fallen angels to be given to the governments and militaries of key nations to use to bring about His judgments, and divide between His children and Satan’s children.

I watched a short video today from June 2017 giving the history and possibilities of the Cumbre Viejo volcano on the island of La Palma in the Canary Island group. I put the link for you to watch in this 3-page article.

In watching it, I was amazed that right now, what the scientist said in 2017 in the video is happening right now in October of 2021. I have kept up with these things since 2017, and watched the fulfilment of what was known. It was public information, which a nation like Russia could use. In the meantime, both Russia, the U.S., and Israel, have acquired super-technology information from fallen angels working with them – technology that can control weather, create earthquakes, and volcano eruptions.

Putting together June 2017 and October 17, 2021 gives us astounding information about a very real happening that was perhaps initiated and will be carried out by that technology in a short time. Is this Revelation 8:8-9 rather than it being an asteroid? It is highly possible.

Right now, China has loaded lots of military equipment on a vessel heading in the direction of Taiwan. They are getting more aggressive than ever to take-on Taiwan. Back when Jimmy Carter was President, he gave a naval base in San Diego to the Chinese. He gave the Panama Canal to the Chinese. A year or two ago, Israel turned over two of their Ports to China to control. Jimmy Carter also said that if China attacked Taiwan, the U.S. would stand with China. Shocking! Impossible! Now – not only possible, but probable. Now, many Senators and House reps, and governors, besides Biden and Hunter and others in high places, are taking multi-millions of dollars each from the Chinese to do their bidding.

Taiwan is no “sitting duck!” War is pending from all areas of the earth.

Famine, disease, wars, economic collapse, and the Beast system are rising together to take over the earth by Satan and his forces. Fallen angels and Nephilim are working with high government officials and military leaders in the U.S. and Israel, and Russia … and perhaps China – to arm the nations with super technology that can kill almost all of mankind. The Beast doesn’t want to have too many humans to control – especially those who won’t worship him!

So please watch both short videos – from 2017 and yesterday 2021 listed in the article – amazing information and stunning pictures. What scientists knew in 2017 is happening!!! The target – the whole east coast of America down to South America. I’ve been following it for 4 years – so it is an amazement to me.

Abba has begun His judgments. He started this September’s Yom Kippur!

Are you ready, suitcase by the door, ready to move out if necessary?

Please go to to read the latest update: “DANGER SIGNAL: SMALL LANDSLIDES BEGIN ON LA PALMA” – WORLD NEWSDESK 16 OCTOBER 2021 by Hal Turner. It’s an important UPDATE!

Public news will not tell you if the land mass breaks off and starts the tsunami. The tsunami moving at 800 mph across the Atlantic will only take 5-7 hours to hit the east coast of America. No time to evacuate, unless you keep up with it in research and hearing from the Spirit. Then you can begin getting out when it begins.

The tsunami will hit the east coast with 100-500’ waves, and go at least 250 miles inland. So, Revelation 8:8-9 could really be talking about this “mountain that falls into the sea.” Yes, we’re getting huge asteroid near misses right now, too.

Heads up! The Apophis asteroid that is so huge, supposedly coming April 13, 2029 according to Tom Horn to hit us, is now coming at us with tremendous speed from another trajectory, and may arrive before 2022 ends. Everything is speeding up. Make sure you’ve read the last article: “Do You Know the Lateness of the Hour?” a quote from Steve Quayle’s broadcasts.

Speaking of Podcasts – tomorrow I will podcast yesterday’s article about the lateness of the hour, and, of course, add more.

Shalom, Yedidah

October 17, 2021



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