“Maui Fires Are Not Natural! Targeting Energy Weapons Further Globalist Climate Change Lies” is #324.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
This murderous activity on Maui is just a furtherance of the 2018 California
energy weapon created fires. The modus operandi is obvious. I include pictures in
this article that match closely the pictures in the 2018 article about the California
fires. This article tells of the 2018 article and where you can find it under Present
This is just another sure sign of the fires being warfare against the American people, using technology of the fallen ones, and carried out by pilots, whether military, or just pilots paid off by the government of America. No, not Russia, not China, not North Korea, not Iran, not all the drug cartels and invaders from hell entering the country at the invitation of the government. NO, this is the continuing of the edicts of the U.S. government at its worst – on top of the chem.-trails that are poisoning and dropping disease – destroying human bodies and crops – livestock and birds etc. – furthering what was really started in earnest in 1945. Also under “Present Reality” is the article “70 Years of Geo-Engineering” which contains lots of information about the 70-year allotted time-span for America.
This is an example of what President Eisenhower warned us so strongly about to do with the Military Industrial Complex. Now you add CERN and HAARP to the destruction of our weather, our outer atmosphere, our food supply, our sunlight, our water, what we need for photosynthesis so we can keep breathing, and you get a little picture of what Lucifer has dedicated himself to, using all he has at his disposal, to rid earth of humans and all life forms that came from the mind and voice of Elohim.
Thank you for your prayers! My son is helping me get some of the rerouting of the fallen ones, aka A.I., and friends, done away with so that my website isn’t as grossly misrepresented as it showed to be a few days ago. I can’t get rid of all the twisting of things because it is A.I. automated. A.I., or “alien intelligence,” is a real force of fallen angel technology.
We are coming into a time of open-battle with the fallen ones, even visibly face to face, and most people’s hearts will stop and they’ll drop dead from terror, as Messiah said would happen in Luke 21. The division between those who have let Elohim take them on to being Gideon 300-type warriors and those who have allowed the world and demonic programming of the world to weaken their faith and erase personal relationship and understanding with Yahuwah, is now happening really fast. They know their time is SHORT, and so they are intensifying their efforts, and having lots of success I might add. ALL inter-dimensional portals are now opened, as Nimrod wanted to do with his tower. Well, his plans for the tower (Genesis 11) were found by German archeologists overseen by the U.S. military in Iraq in 2003, and given to CERN who has used them to open other dimensions. Thus the stargates and portals are now opening wide and the US is using this technology of the fallen ones to transport what they want transported to other inter dimensional locations, or transport other entities into our 3-D reality.
The “great falling away” is happening as everyone clings to their own religious fantasies to justify their avoidance of responsibility to hear and obey. The few are getting fewer, but the ones who are proceeding forward are getting more and more fired up and their light brighter, and their boldness stronger, their wisdom greater, and their reward more sure.
In His love, Yedidah, August 15, 2023