Two new Afrikaans articles are now posted, and I refer you to an excellent podcast by Derek for this festival season.
Our dear sister Mandi in South Africa has translated two articles into Afrikaans. Be sure to share with those who speak Afrikaans! Be sure to pray for believers in South Africa, as it has turned into a huge war zone. Refer to my recent article: “South Africa – Learn and Watch”
1) English: “Is the Spirit Lifting Off the Earth?”
Afrikaans: Is die Gees van Yahuwah besig om die aarde te verlaat?
Description: Ons is besig om ‘n herhaling te sien van Esegiël 8:1 – 11:23 te sien. Die Gees van Yahuwah onttrek om toe te laat dat die mensdom maai wat hulle gesaai het; maar Sy teenwoordigheid bly by Sy afgesonderdes.
It is under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness, #16.1, originally written by Yedidah on April 7, 2013.
2) English: “The Top Two Questions”
Afrikaans: “Twee vrae wat die meeste gevra word”
Description: Die twee vrae wat ek die meeste hoor is: “Hoekom hoor ek nie van God nie?” en “Hoekom sien ons nie die wonderwerke vandag wat in Handelinge voorgekom het nie?” My vrae aan Sy mense is: “Wil jy van God hoor en Wil jy wonderwerke sien?” Jy kan! Dit hang van jouself af om in posisie te kom om dit te ontvang!
It is under the Mikvah of the Spirit, #22.1, originally written by Yedidah, February 22, 2018
Thank you Mandi for all your hard work in translating! The stats show that many are reading the articles you translate.
I thank all of you who share these translations with others!
I also call your attention to Derek latest podcast for these Fall Festivals:
“A Midnight Cry – Shout With a Voice of Triumph.” It can be found on under the category of “The Shofar.”
Look at the list of podcasts. Derek is an exhorter who encourages and strengthens us with words from Abba Yahuwah! This one is excellent! It is for this Festival season, but also for all year long. Please share this with your family and friends.
In His love, Chag Sameach!
September 18, 2018