Mandatory! Hearing His Alerts! Acting in His Timing!


Mandatory! Hearing His Alerts! Acting in His Timing!” Is #40.0 under the Mikvah of the Spirit. We’re at a spiritual “40” mark. We either pass into the Promised Land under Yahushua/Joshua, or we stay in the wilderness to die.

I did not intend to write this. However, I feel the heavy heart of Yahuwah and it weighs on me, too. I sat down yesterday afternoon and just wrote it. Then before falling asleep last night, He added to it. I include study Biblical references and articles. I wrote a manual entitled “Faith Walk” a few years ago, and also a couple of articles that amplified this one under the Mikah of the Spirit. There is enough information from the whole of the Word under the Mikvah of the Spirit, the Mikvah of Set-Apartness to put you over the top in victory – if you put the simple instructions from the heart of Yahuwah into practice. As you study the Word with the Teacher to lead you, you will get off any diet of milk and pablum you might have been on and begin to “eat the meat of the Word.” The power and authority of the Spirit will increase within you as you allow Him to be who He is – Yahuwah, Shaddai, Elyon. I am cheering you on to victory as you walk the only path that victory travels on!

This may seem like a repeat of what I’ve taught since I began writing in 2000. I bottom line a lot of teaching here – teaching that will divide the overcomers from the backsliders. Do not skim it. Get alone. Read carefully. Look up the Scriptures; read slowly for Abba’s input. What I write is up-to-date, for it relates to the turbulence we see now in D.C., and the world. Can I say that what I say here is “thus saith Yahuwah?” Yes, I can.

Yes, we are in a historic coup – a communist takeover. The nation we once knew is no more. 66% of the government belongs to China – are paid off by China, obey what China tells them to do. The light is struggling to shine on those who are trying to hide from being exposed.

Seriously pray for President Trump’s protection. He and his loyal military have all the proof they need to put a lot of people in prison, like Pelosi. They are running really scared. Desperate people stoop to desperate measures to protect their power. Biden is bought off by China, that’s old news. We back Yahuwah’s will – whatever it is. We know His goal is for truth and justice to prevail. Yet, we also must engage in spiritual warfare over ourselves, our families, and for those in America who are in the family of Yahuwah.

Oh yes, P.S.: Trump did not send in his supporters to crash the Captal as the liar news is saying. Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc. took off the video in which he spoke to his supporters telling them to “Go home; let there be peace.” The truth is that Antifa and BLM forced their way into the Capital. Trump’s supporters went in after them. The woman who was shot dead was a veteran and a Christian. It was exposed as a satanic sacrifice ritual assignation. The shooter was a professional man – not a typical hired mercenary. It was a ritual. Now they want to sacrifice Trump. Let us pray for Justice to be done.

In His love, Yedidah

January 12, 2020

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