Shalom! Greetings!

“Major News Update April 22, 2021: Russia, Attack on Israel, False Flags London and New York City Banks, the RNA Experiment Deaths and Destruction” is #229.0  under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

This is a 2½ page update that is packed with truthful and inside news you won’t get in public news arenas for sure. Those in contact with good men in high places that they’ve known for a long time, truth-tellers in America and Israel and other nations are saying consistently what is planned, and what does happen. They can only share what they know, not predict the future, though from what they know, they can give us a good idea of the future.

Going to the Word we can nail it down to the timing of Yahuwah and let His Spirit direct our understanding and preparation.

So much is in the works. I give you short updates here, with links to short videos, and also articles that relate as needed background. So, do your own research as led by the Spirit, not your mind, not your curiosity, not your emotions, not your craving “to know” good and evil, but led by peace. It does not take much study for the Spirit to relate what you need to know. Most of what you need to know if in the Psalms, like Psalm 27.

I cover a lot of information, but leave the rest to you. Do not submit your mind to anything that can be used by the enemy to weaken your faith. I don’t give you gory details of frightening things. My assignment is to let you know what’s going on, and build your faith so that you can look reality square in the eye and proclaim “Yahuwah Reigns!”

If the Psalms of overcoming and victory fill your mind, then learning the basics of what’s on the docket of the evil ones won’t phase you. You’ll learn and keep on praising and rejoicing, and preparing. Only fools, choosing-to-be mind-dead idiots, are not preparing now – so they’ll reap the results of their apathy, laziness, fear, or deadness of will. I don’t think that’s you!!!

I write to alert people! “Imminent” is a description of so many things now.

Did you know we have been at DEFCON I with Russia for a few days? What about the very serious bombing in Israel today? What about the potential false flag in London and NYC this weekend? What about the rising death toll and destruction toll of the RNA vaccines that are not vaccines but changers of our genes, our DNA code, our identity as human beings?

Read prayerfully. Watch the brief videos, read the suggested articles, and keep on with daily preparation for Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18. These realities are moving right on top of us.

In 1992, when Abba spoke audibly to me and said “this is America,” as I read Jeremiah 50-51, I felt like I knew something few did. I was right. I’m glad my pastor knew. Yahuwah led me to study Revelation 18 and other passages related to the end of the plans of Nimrod for world government and “America’s Secret Destiny,”/Mikvah of Preparation. You can read “End-Time Babylon,” and “Thirty Clues and More…” to learn the details of the Scripture passages to do with America.

Right now, our main watchmen are coming out with “America is the final Babylon,” “America is the Mystery Babylon.”

Abba always shows me things early, and I have to suffer through the prideful “you’re crazy” routine of other “believers.” But, in the long run, I know when I hear from Abba, and I know when I hear from Yahushua. My spirit is open to Them  24/7. Is your spirit open to hearing Them? Pray, praise, proclaim, prepare, position yourself!

In His love, Yedidah

April 22, 2021

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