This is the fifth in the series of prophetic exhortations from the heart of Elohim to His end-time servants. It is entitled: “Live Unsettled! – The Allurement to Leave All to Follow a Master.” It is #46.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.
For many years, I’ve asked a question. And I’ve seen this phenomenon in China particularly firsthand. Why do young people in particular, but also older people, people raised in secure comfort-seeking affluent Western culture, don a backpack and head out for India, or China, or some Hindu or Buddhist country, to seek out a guru, a swami, a shaman – some mystic, in order to find spiritual reality? Why is the drug culture of America so huge, but also in the U.K, Canada, Europe, Russia, Asia—worldwide–even up to the Senate and Congress of America, and even the White House – people seeking what is beyond this 3-dimensional carnal fake-life–people seeking something real and tangible in the unseen realm?
Honestly, 99.9% of Western-culture churches have failed, especially with the youth. The Messianic Movement has failed, especially among the youth. Judaism has failed, especially among the youth. Young people, and those young at heart, are seeking truth, but finding man’s control, man’s doctrines and theology, presenting an unknowable “God,” coupled with a lot of lies and deceptions of Satan’s kingdom–his fallen angels, and their offspring Nephilim.
There is something in mankind that craves Truth, craves what is real, craves what is above this natural plain, especially among those whose lineage goes back to Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob! In Exodus 3:15, we see that Yahuwah identifies Himself as the Eloah of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob.
This article, with its concluding exceptional prophetic word from 1994, gives the answer to these questions! It may answer questions you’ve had about yourself. There is a calling deep within us from thousands of years ago in our heritage, from our “fathers,” that few know what to do with, so the enemy ensnares and traps. Many carry their lust for security no matter where they move to outside of America, and so defeat the whole reason for obeying Acts 1:8. This taking of “home” to other nations is normal among the ultra rich, but also normal for the average western-culture believer. The lust for security is deep within human nature.
What we’re seeing happen, even within ourselves, is the Malachi 4:5-6 prophecy of Eliyahu/Elijah coming to pass–the restoration that few understand.
This series, of which this is the 5th one under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness, is explaining a lot to me. I will also be podcasting them!
I refer you also to Derek’s podcast: “A Midnight Hour Plea Shout With the Voice of Triumph” from September 15, 2018, on, under “The Shofar.”
Tonight is the eve of Yom Kippur, tomorrow the day of Yom Kippur, by the Creator’s reckoning of time. Let us really use this day to get hold of Abba, and learn what He is saying to us personally! And, in 5 days from tonight we begin the eve of Sukkot. Chag Sameach!
Love, blessings, shalom,
September 20, 2018