Letters From the Killing Fields – Will You Carry Them on Your Heart?


This article is entitled: “Letters From the Killing Fields – Will You Carry Them on Your Heart.” It is #78.0 under the Heart of Elohim or Recent Articles.

In this article, I share excerpts from a few personal e-mails I have received from subscribers to comeenterthemikvah.com–people I have come to love though I’ve never met them in person. They live in dangerous parts of our world. The letters carry prayer requests, and heart-rending pleas for answers. Read as if you are reading correspondence from your own beloved family members–for they are!

Take them to heart! In this article I give ways to reach out to our brothers and sisters in many countries where there is persecution. Right now, there are over 40 countries in our world where there is great persecution of Christians/Messianics.

Do you remember the story and song: “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, No Turning Back, No Turning Back”? “Though none go with me, yet I will follow…” All over the world there are Christians and Messianic believers, including in Israel, who are being persecuted, denied basic human rights, imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed for their faith. It is by showing mercy to those on His heart, that we obtain mercy from Abba.

There are things we can do to be involved in helping them. Then when it is our turn to suffer like they are, Abba will show mercy to us. Already persecution of believers is happening in America. I mean real persecution, and it is increasing!

Hitler began his Nazi devastation by accusing the Jews of things they did not do.

He convinced the German people that the Jews did it. This tactic is already happening in America against believers. The propaganda of Hitler’s Josef Gobbels turned the tide of the German people against the Jews. Propaganda is now turning the tide against Christians, Messianic, and Jewish believers, as well as against believers who speak out for Truth and what is just, worldwide no matter what their religion. Many are persecuted simply because they are of a different ethnic group than the majority. It is an evil time!

It is time for His true children to stand up and not be cowardly, for cowardliness is equated in Abba’s eyes as not standing with Him, or with His Son. Messiah said that if we deny Him, He will deny us. No, we don’t stand up by revolting in political ways like seculars do. We stand up by sharing the Good News of salvation with the lost, by telling the truth, by standing with the truth, like standing up for the rights of unborn and newly babies to live, for example, and by sharing the truth as we are led by Abba in various ways afforded to us in this technological age. You obviously have computer, a phone, a mail box, and several ways of communicating by voice.

The time of Revelation 14:12-13 is fast coming upon the world. It is time to be bold, wise yes, but bold under the authority of the Master. “The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous is as bold as a lion.” (Proverbs)

***I will be writing a letter to all tomorrow night after I learn if the new moon is sighted from Jerusalem or not. The eve of the 1st of Aviv is either Thursday night or Friday night.  We’ll also know by then if we’re entering Aviv, or Adar Bet. According to the messianic barley searchers of abibofgod.com, the barley is beginning to be in the aviv/abib stage, and will be by the time it is needed for the wave-sheaf offering of First Fruits. Their final report is not in yet, for they are still out in the field, but I will also present their findings tomorrow night.

Shalom, in His love, Yedidah

March 6, 2019

For giving tithes or offering love

LETTERS FROM the KILLING FIELDS Will You Carry Them on Your Heart?
LETTERS FROM the KILLING FIELDS Will You Carry Them on Your Heart?
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