Chag Sameach!
I was at the Prayer Center when Devorah Gordon sent her information to my e-mail at home via Devorah’s Date Tree that the new/renewed moon was sighted over Jerusalem tonight, making this the beginning of Tishre 1 – Yom Teruah – the 5th Festival, the Festival of Trumpets and Shouting.
So September 17, 2023 will be a High Shabbat, as per Leviticus 23. It is a one-day Festival that begins the Ten Days of Awe – the preparation day for war that clears the way for Messiah’s return. Because Elohim’s days begin at sunset, it is already the 17th for most of us.
Numbers 10 is a good chapter to read. Yom Teruah is the 5 Festival of the 7, picturing the plan of salvation through Yahushua Messiah: 1) Passover, His death 2) Unleavened Bread, His burial, 3) First Fruits, His resurrection, 4) Shavu’ot 50 days later, Pentecost, Acts 2. The 3 Fall Festivals refer to Yahushua Messiah’s Second Coming, 5) Yom Teruah, aka “the day and hour no man knows,” for it is specified by the sighting of the new moon by 2 or more witnesses from Jerusalem, as are all the 12 months of the Creator’s calendar, 6) Yom Teruah, Tishre 1, “Day of Atonement,” the Day of the High Priest’s return, the day of the resurrection of the born-again, and 7) Sukkot, Feast of Tabernacles, Messiah’s Kingdom as He dwells among us.
Please go to the Mikvah of the Covenant to find articles that match the festival celebrations. All prophetic fulfillments within His first coming, and for the timing of His second coming, are on Festivals days. Remember, the culture of the Bible is an ancient culture, a Hebrew culture, and has to be understood along that ancient path (Jeremiah 6:16). It is the “narrow path” that leads to life, for it helps us understand Messiah Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus and why He came. The whole Word is to prepare people for His first coming and His second coming, for He said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.”
My son blew the shofar just before sunset at the Prayer Center this evening for Tishre 1, Feast of Trumpets. Psalm 81: “Blow the shofar for the new moon…”
Enjoy the Festival! “Our Redemption draws near!”
In His love, Yedidah
September 16, 2023 8:22 PM CST