
The UPDATE OF Transcript of Podcast CCXCVII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 8 is ready for download under Recent Articles or the Mikvah of the Great Adventure.

This is an UPDATE of the posted Transcript, so this is NOT A SEPARATE ARTICLE, BUT A REPLACEMENT OF THE ORIGINAL ONE.

I was going to get this letter to you last night, but there was a 5 to 5 1/2 – hour power outage in my area last night, lasting till midnight. So here is what I wanted to tell you.

I was going over some information for podcasting Genesis Chapters 9 and 10, and saw that in the transcript and podcast of Genesis 8, I did not print Genesis 8 – and so did not read it in the podcast. I had Genesis 7 written out and I read that, but that was only as a seesaw back to the previous podcast to bring things forward. I did conclude with the notes from the Passion Translation on Genesis 8 – excellent notes. And the podcast was around Genesis 8 as well as going back to 6:1-4 as a foundation.


In my podcasts on books of the Bible, I seesaw back and forth so that the whole Book is united – i.e. not separated by chapters, but the theme united. Man is the one who came up with the chapter and verse thing to help us organize our thoughts … and trace our studies easier. That’s OK. However, oftentimes, a new chapter starts right in the middle of a previous thought, and so a lot of doctrine has been isolated and proclaimed which is not wholly true, because it is NOT in context with the rest of the passage.

I am a thorough teacher. I just didn’t include chapter 8 (smile). So, here I do in this “update.” IF YOU HAVE downloaded this transcript already, please do it again, so that you have chapter 8 with it.

I will be podcasting Genesis 9 and 10 this week.

SOUND ADVICE: Go over the transcripts, look up all the Scriptures, and do your own studying. Look up words in the Strong’s Concordance via online Bible sites like Biblehub.com, Blue Letter Bible, or Bible Gateway.

The Word says: “Study to show yourself approved unto Yahuwah, a workman that needs not to be ashamed.” So, don’t be shamed. Do your own studies.

Note: IF YEDIDAH says something that is a mind-blower, as in “my church didn’t teach me that,” or “it sure ain’t messianic,” or “I never thought of that,” take it to Yahuwah in prayer and ask Him His opinion. Really, be realistic and honest – only His opinion matters – not ours!!! We see in Number 13 that the majority opinion was a very huge mistake. The 10 spies were false prophets. Only Moses and two others heard from Yahuwah and were gung-ho to obey Him. The millions of others did not flow with Him, and look what happened!

Always be Spirit-taught. He confirms what is of Him. He does not confirm what is not of Him. He confirms in out-of-the-ordinary ways, so that we know it’s Him. He also gives us “joy jumps” and peace in our spirit when we know it is of Him.

John 7:37-39! The ark, the fountain of living water, is within the spirit (belly area) of the re-born, the “new creations” in Messiah Yahushua. If you do not hear Him there, be careful … for that is where He speaks to us – not to the carnal mind which is so volatile and reasons on a carnal, man-thinking level. His ways are much higher than our ways – Isaiah 55. The reason He does not speak to the carnal mind is because it is so volatile and so inter-active with the sin nature of rebellion. Once a person is totally submitted to Him, there is no conflict with what He says to the spirit. So, when the carnal mind picks up on what He says, it, being transformed by submission and obedience, says “yes Sir.” Thus the entire spirit-man is united, as it was when Messiah died, and the curtain was torn in two, and the way into the Most Set-Apart place was joined with the Dwelling Place of the priests in the temple.

Please refer to: “The Final Uniting of the Soul and Spirit…”/Mikvah of Set-Apartness #58, and also #59, which is the sequel. Satan fears greatly those whose soul and spirit is united with Yahuwah, for the fallen ones can do nothing to stop these people. Be one of them!!!

Blessings, Yedidah

July 12, 2021

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