Letter to Subscribers from Yedidah

Note to subscribers

Dear brothers and sisters:

Here’s a candid letter to you subscribers on several subjects. It’s also a reminder for you to assist me in thanking you. Three days ago, I got a sweet card with a check in it from a nice lady: Bee T., from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I had not heard from her before. I want to thank her, but have no e-mail address to do that.

My website is set up so that you can subscribe or unsubscribe and thus manage your own status with comeenterthemikvah.com. My son removed the technology that recorded all subscriptions. Thus, I have no way of getting e-mail addresses from people who have not e-mailed me. Once e-mailed, a person’s address is recorded automatically in the server’s data. With comeenterthemikvha.com, everyone manages their own subscription. I can’t add or subtract anyone’s name, or check on anyone’s address.

That is fine with me, but wow, I have people on my list in large numbers whom I’ve never heard from before. I don’t know the extent of the subscription list. I know I am reaching into many countries. I know that the number of those listening to podcasts and opening letters and reading articles is increasing. I like surprises; I like hearing from new people.

The stats that are next to the articles are those that open the letters, not those that download or read the articles. So, if the stats say 50, that means 50 read the letter, 50 subscribers, yet in reality, perhaps 500 read the article or downloaded it, because that’s not recorded. I leave it up to Yahuwah. He takes care of it all.

So, you see, I can’t go to a subscription list like I used to and find the e-mail address for Bee T. in Green Bay to thank her. She sent some nice cards, with Scripture too.

This is a reminder to everyone! Please note: IF I have not received a check from you at my P.O. Box in Cleburne before, and you do not include your e-mail address, I can’t send you a thank you note via e-mail.

I am very astute to thank people as soon as I receive something. So, Ms. Bee T. please send me your e-mail address. I did have one lady say she didn’t need a thank you. That kind of disturbed me, because we need to acknowledge what others do for us – it is important. It is a “family” thing.

Family members should show their love by interacting with other family members. It is the same with the huge family of Yahuwah. I am reaching others in about 60 countries, and get e-mails from those on five continents. I love it!

At least, however, I want people to know their checks or money orders arrived safely. That’s why utilities and on-line businesses give you a confirmation number – it is an acknowledgment that your payment was received.

I like communicating. I like knowing who is blessing me. I have made some real friends with online communication. Abba is filling my days with things to study and relate to you. He has increased that while limiting my sources to fewer now. I am also in training for my future assignment, so my days pass quickly. I can’t get into long e-mail correspondence, as in being a “pen-pal” to anyone, but I do try to answer all e-mails sent to me in kindness. I am a very grateful person. I thank Abba for all of you!

Yes, I know: I can send “thank you” cards via USPS within the U.S. But I try to redeem time as much as possible by using the computer.

I have gotten to know some precious people out there from many different countries via e-mails. It has been encouraging to me. I’ve also had people on my list for decades, literally, and they’ve never written to me once. That’s very sad.

I had a dream once of standing up in the sky, among the clouds. In front of me was a semi-invisible audience, kind of ghostly-looking. They were sitting at desks, pen in hand, paper in front of them, looking at me, as if waiting to take notes – they were students. I was standing with my Bible and teaching them. This was in the early 90s. Then all of a sudden, something pulled on a golden cord that was around my waist, and I went flying backwards at a tremendous rate as a voice called off numbers backwards from my age at the time. I landed by a throne – which I knew was in the throne room of heaven. It was over 20 years later that I realized I was teaching in “cyber space” to an invisible audience – as I do online now. I learned also from physics – actually given on a Josh Peck program on Skywatch T.V. by Gary Stearman, explaining Planck time – when time goes backwards at the speed of light, time ceases – we enter eternity. I learned these things around 2016. It was nice to know that smiling students were receiving what Yahuwah had taught me. I’ve taught in two Bible Colleges, and now my students are all over the world as ministers – Africa and the U.S.

I’m getting some new people now sending me “offering” gifts, and it has been wonderful. Some old friends are also contacting me. We need each other more and more as we see “the day” approaching.

Let me be really straight forward with you: You probably know that the Internet will be taken down before long. Right now, long-time watchmen that speak the truth are experiencing harassment and surveillance. Our liberties are decreasing almost daily. We have no national government – only façades. A world government controlled by fallen angels and Nephilim is what we’re seeing form.

We need to unite in the love of Yahuwah through His Son, Yahushua. We all need encouragement.

Of course, Pay Pal gives the e-mail address along with the gift amount. Some of you say you don’t use Pay Pal because of their connections to “bad-stuff.”  But, dear ones, if you use a bank, if you shop for groceries, if you breathe the air, if you pump gas, if you drink public or bottled water, if you get coffee at Starbucks with its goddess logo — if you do anything besides live out in the Gobi in a ger, you’re going to be using a Satan-based world system. I know the whole system of finances, buying, selling, religion, military, and living in this world in general, is infested with evil. I John says “the whole world lies in the evil one.” We have our own carnal natures that need cleaning up.

Do you have an Apple computer? Are you on Facebook or Twitter? Do you watch T.V.? Are you being monitored by Microsoft, by your cell phone? All these things are data-gathering systems to spy on us. The founders and top-brass of these companies Satanists – out right. Do you use “google?” Same thing. What about Amazon? Same thing. Most all billionaires and world rulers in any field are working for the fallen ones. “We’ve got to use the beast a little longer,” so said a friend years ago. However, I say now: “Be careful! There is coming a time soon when we won’t be able to use the system unless we pledge loyalty to the Beast.

I see the stats on the Genesis podcasts are growing in number. Thank you so much! The compiling of His teachings and how they apply to now, is a real blessing to me, as I tie together things I’ve learned for many decades, along with things I’ve been given by Abba recently. Abba is opening things up broader and clearer to me now, and I share with you. We need to share what He shows us that helps people understand better what is really happening.

Some have written to ask questions, and some have written to share things.

I especially like communicating with people who love Yahuwah and Yahushua, and who are excited about the return of our Beloved Savior, Messiah, and King. We are a family!

In His love, shalom, Yedidah

July 18, 2021

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