Thank you for your prayers and financial offerings during my major move from staying with a daughter and her family for 18 years, to moving to Fort Worth, Texas and starting life on my own again. My daughter and husband kept my things at their various houses (I moved with them five times) even if I was traveling, or living overseas in Jordan, Israel, Panama, or Costa Rica. But, in March 2018, while flying to Fort Worth, Texas to join my son and daughter-in-law for Passover, Abby clearly said to me, “you’re going home.”
Fort Worth was home to me from 1986-2006. In late March, Abba began urgently talking me through this move, beginning by urging me to buy my first car since 2000. He talked me through every detail. Two days ago, I had my Texas vehicle inspection so that I could register the car in Texas. The car passed with “flying colors.” Abba gives no “lemons!”
As of October 19th, I have moved into an apartment in Fort Worth, Texas, in the same apartment complex I lived in for 3 years with the youngest daughter before moving to Jordan. Abba has talked me through every day, step by step, all the way!
This letter is to let my friends know my new address for sending offerings (end of letter). Monday I got my new Post Office Box near where I live now.
In this move, went from a budget of $350 a month, when not traveling, to now between $1,000 and $1,100 a month for everything without traveling. Move-in costs also abound. But Abba is, and will continue to, supply my needs. I was amazed that the rent for the apartment was only $250.00 more than what I paid each month 1996. It is still very reasonable.
Rejoice with me that my high car insurance rate in Georgia has been adjusted to Texas requirements – and the bill has been nearly cut in half!
Gas prices here are $2.27 a gallon. In Georgia the average gas price was $2.71 a gallon. But, my vehicle registration was a whopping $198.00, plus the $25.00 for the Firestone inspection. But, HalleluYah! I’m in! I just need to get my Texas license. One day at a time!
I am open with you because through the years I’ve made friends with many on my e-mail list, then on my website list from December of 2011. Some of you have given financial help through the years. When I traveled overseas, or into Central or South America, the financial help increased as people were led to give by Abba’s Spirit. Because of learning to trust Abba through the years for everything, like Sarah said (Hebrews 11), I “judge Him faithful!” Yes, He is very, very faithful as we, His servants, are faithful to obey Him. But, He is faithful to carry out His will for us even when we are not faithful. (II Timothy 3:11-13)
I am now, and will continue to spend my life, helping others to know Elohim of the Bible outside of man’s restrictive Religion, teaching the glorious life of walking with Elohim as Abraham was called to walk. (Genesis 17:1-2) But, even more, I am here as He told me to position myself for my future active ministry outside of the limitations of a computer, or even meetings. In doing so, I will be ministering more the end-time remnant that is being gathered and set-apart.
In February of 1988 I had a very detailed and vivid dream that has now come to pass in every detail. I was in Texas then. The dream had to do with the end days before Messiah returned, and how Abba was gathering His people into groups all over the world, but specifically into this Fort Worth area. My son and daughter-in-law and her mother began attending a small Prayer and Training Center near us in Southwest Fort Worth in January. When I came for Passover, I also attended.
I will not go into detail at this point, but the vision for the Center was given to a family in New York, to the wife of a pastor in particular. They were missionaries also in Germany, and have returned back to the U.S. at the leading of Yahuwah. The vision that led them to Fort Worth corresponds to what Abba showed me in 1988, with specifics given for them.
In moving here, I have gone from no face-to-face fellowship with no face-to-face friendship, no place to minister other than online and in intercession, nowhere to sit down with others and talk about the Master and what He is doing in Georgia, to a place where all of those things are open to me once again, and my traveling days are not over! HalleluYah!
So, dear ones, below is the address for my new PO Box so that those of you who send letters, checks or money orders, can continue to support the work of this ministry, which is already beginning to expand!
As we obey, doors will open to us wider and wider – it is the Acts 1:8 pattern working. You have an assignment from the Master. As you submit to Him, He will lead you into it!
I will be writing an article in the next few days about my journey in understanding tithing, and how Abba is leading in a renewed direction.
Those of you who give by Pay Pal on the website under “Contact,” continue as you’re led by Abba.
Those of you who give by mail: Make out all to Charlotte Townsend, and send to P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162.
I got this box two days ago. I appreciate every gift. I appreciate your prayers greatly! If your spirit has been “fed” by the Word and you have been encouraged by this ministry, ask Abba what you can do to help His servant go forward and accomplish His will. I am not a “lone wolf.” I also join with others who are flowing in His perfect will. We are a family!
Let me know how to pray for you! As you step out in obedience, He will guide you by His Spirit in your spirit! It is “a life like no other – this is the great adventure!”
Blessings to you, in His love,
November 7, 2018