Greetings, shalom!
I have posted the letter that I sent to all subscribers earlier today. It is #172.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, also under “Recent Articles” on the main page of
The letter sent to subscribers, and the same in article for posted now, is a very serious thing. What A.I., or some other entity of Lucifer’s fallen angel domain has done, it distorts everything that I have been writing and podcasting for so many years.
I am thankful that so-far the descriptions of the individual podcast divisions are still intact. However, the initial dedication to Yahuwah is not there, and the web statement says the site is for “mikvah users.” Who would lie like that except Satan?
Go to the “About” section on the main page to read why the site was created and why I chose this title for it. It has nothing to do with Judaism … it has everything to do with immersing in Truth. If there is anything I hate it is the falsehood embedded in all religions of man, which are the lies, deceptions, and treachery of the fallen ones who fear Truth.
I realize the additions by the Microsoft, Bing, whoever, will not stop my subscribers from reading or listening to podcasts, but it sure might discourage Christians and Messianics who are new to it from reading and listening to the podcasts.
Pray with me that this can be taken care of, my wording renewed, and the awful pictures of modern-day mikvahs of Judaism be taken away. I’ve been very concerned for a long time about the pictures to the right of the site that shows Jewish modern-day mikvahs – which have nothing to do with Yahuwah or Yahushua, their salvation, or their Book.
Thank you, shalom, Yedidah
August 13, 2023