Letter Regarding Corrections to “Noah, the 144,000 Remnant, and Plans for Halloween” and more revelation to study


Just a quick note to let you know I did some careful corrections on the article posted today “Noah, the 144,000 Remnant, and Plans for Halloween.”

In doing so, I added a few things to clarify. I’m so overwhelmed with the enormity of the revelation that is unfolding in Scriptures I’ve read for nearly 60 years, like Matthew 25:1-12. So, in trying to get the “meat of the Word” to you, I seem to always need to add something.

We are actually seeing Matthew 25:1-12 unfold before our eyes. The “few” are keeping oil (the Spirit of Yahuwah) in their lamps (the re-born spirit). Their life is focused on the return of Messiah. They are watching, preparing, staying alert. They are friends however with foolish virgins – the nice religious who have one foot in the world and love it, yet – when it comes time to worship and talk about “God,” they’re right there to do it. Yet, the rest of their lives are spent for self, enjoyment, seeking their own desires, etc. Not bad people, just not realizing the “lateness of the hour,” or they’re in a fantasy world of denial, not ready to face the reality that is all around them. Therefore, they let their light go out. Then Messiah comes and the wise go into the wedding feast (Shavu’ot), while the foolish panic. They try to get oil for their lamps from the wise, the diligent, the astute to prepare – but no, the wise cannot share their oil with the carnal worldly “believers.” Then, as Hebrew Matthew puts it, the Bride Groom arrives with His Bride and they go into the wedding feast. The wise virgins go in with them. The foolish ones are still panicky, and run to the door yelling “let us in.” But the Bride Groom says to them, “who are you – I don’t know you.”

This scenario is being enacted all around us. Make sure you’re one of the wise. My job as a prophetic watchman is to stir up faith and expectation, to encourage and challenge the wise. I can do nothing to help the foolish. Yahuwah can do nothing to help the foolish either. We must keep our eyes on Him, and prepare – keeping diligent watch over the condition of our spirit and soul before Father and Son.

Lyla Tov my friends, shalom, Yedidah

October 7, 2021, day 1 of Heshvan!

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