
“Lamentations 2020 – The Heart of Yahuwah” is #123.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

I held off on posting this since I first wrote it in September 2020. When a research friend in England asked me to “weigh” a prophecy by a Christian, I responded to him with what I thought about it. In writing my response, I felt I needed to save it. Then as I did saved it on My Documents, Abba led me to incorporate it into an article I had written under His direction but did not send in September. I had to do very little editing of the original document because Yahuwah’s Lamentations only got stronger between September, and Elul, and now.

I speak for His heart. If you are used to touching His heart, learning His thinking and feelings on a subject, then you’ll relate to this. So many “prophecies” are pouring out that are simply Christian beliefs related to politics and hopes. What Yahuwah is trying to show them is one thing, but how they interpret what He is saying might be something very different, depending on their carnal-mind religious beliefs. There are doctrines out there that shape the beliefs of Christians and Messianic folks so that truth cannot penetrate! Most of you are aware of that because most of you are not slotted into a religion that keeps you bound to a human teacher. Most of you are really seeking Yahuwah and Yahushua and what the Word is saying. More and more Messianics, and/or Hebrew roots enthusiasts among Christians, are joining together as watchmen, and presenting a united truth.

This is because they are allowing the Spirit of Yahuwah to guide them into truth, as to who to align to and who to reject. It’s a work of Yahuwah so that those representing Him will see “eye to eye” when Messiah returns. (Isaiah 52)

This article shares what is on Yahuwah’s heart and the direction He is going. He’s not a Republican. He is not into this world’s kingdom. He is the King of His own Kingdom. He is giving knowledge to key watchmen associated with His Kingdom who have no religious bondages/hangups.

I learned that the brilliant mind of President Trump created a new federal agency before the election in secret, to monitor election fraud and expose it.

This has set the “Biden – President Elect” scenario back a speck, as the information gathered will go to the Supreme Court.

But, hear me out here. it is very possible that the Court will find Trump to be the rightful President. However, the man’s life is in great danger. Pray for him. Many want him dead. I do not believe, as the Christians say, that if Trump is elected it is because God is giving America 4 more years of mercy!!! For what?

Americans in general have proved that grace and mercy mean more time for carnal living, enjoying the good things of life, and throwing out any belief in the Bible or the Spirit, or anything that gets in their way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So, if Trump gets in office, or not, the plans of the Chinese are going forward. They just took over Hong Kong! The Parliament is dissolved. The Hong Kong flag is removed, and the Chinese flag put in its place. World War III, as Albert Pike outlined it, is being prepared quickly.

Stay in prayer and seeking the will of Yahuwah for you and your family, so that you walk in it.

In His love, Yedidah

November 12, 2020

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