
“Just When You Thought You’d Heard It All” is #202.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

I have kept up with the progression of end-time prophecy pointing to the return of Yahushua since at least 1985, my study and teaching on this subject goes back to the early 1960s. I taught the book of Revelation in a Bible College I helped found in 1970. But, as I went to the nations to live and minister from 1994, I have seen the unfolding of prophecy firsthand. I understand all too well what is really happening in the Middle East, for example, but when I report some of it, Americans balk as in “no way!” Truth is very hard for most Americans to deal with!

However, there are things surfacing that are shocking – because of the technology to do them, but also the exposing of plans and abilities hidden for many decades. Messiah said that in our day, everything would come to light and be shouted from the housetops. I thank Abba for all the shouters – exposing what the enemy has tried to hide. Many chief shouters being born-again believers in Messiah – the watchmen of Isaiah 51, the remnant of Daniel 11:32.

Here I present some things I did not know before, nor even would have considered. The fallen angels and their offspring are barred from a lot they can do because of their rebellion against Yahuwah. So, they use stolen technology that they knew back when they were at peace with Yahuwah. They are giving this technology to their trusted lackeys, especially to super-power militaries.

What is mind-boggling is how much has been hidden – hidden in Hollywood movies, hidden in T.V. series, hidden in the secret societies and meetings of the Pentagon and militaries of super powers in general. I uncovered the 5-G background in several articles, going back to the 1950s.

Now, “they” do not care who knows what – their plans are too far advanced.

Our task now more than any other is to hear from Abba and quickly obey His directives, in the spiritual realm and the natural realm.

Back in 2009, the word went out seriously to prepare with freeze-dried food, water storage, and other small but needed items to put in a suitcase by the door.

Yet, people ignored the warnings, even though they came out in movies and T.V. series – thinking it was only fantasy. But, now the fantasy is being stripped away, and few are prepared even for a blackout due to a storm, let alone the big blackout due to attack by China, Russia, N. Korea, etc. as stated in Jeremiah 50-51 – first an EMP, then a nuclear attack from all sides. That’s coming in our face now.

Pray for believers in Panama today, as the U.S., U.N., controlled country is making its decision to implement mandatory vaccines. Lots of Americans live there; quite a number of messianic believers too. They are rallying to pray today. You can imagine the trauma they’re going through. Panama is a test case for the U.S.

New things, new to us, are surfacing – old things being exposed that look new but are old – like space wars, space flight, colonizing of the moon and Mars – old stuff!

Don’t be shocked at any exposing that is done – because it is just to get you up to speed on reality so that you do what you should have done years ago. Abba is putting burrs under our saddle to motivate us.

In His love, Yedidah

September 2, 2020

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