Greetings! Shabbat Shalom!
“Joy Is the Emotion of Yahuwah Released Into us by His Spirit – Joy Has Withered Away From the Sons of Men – Joel 1:10-11” is #126.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. This will be Podcasted as CCLVII (257).
Abba wants so much to fellowship with us on a personal basis, so that we get to know and trust He and His Son, and He gets to know and trust us as His children.
At creation, He put His nature into Adam so that mankind could fellowship with Him. Man chose the words of another, a deceiver, going after what sounded so good. Has anything changed in what became “human carnal, fleshly, nature” since Genesis 3? No… The only thing that has changed is the death and resurrection of Yahushua who opened a way for human carnal flesh to be re-born and transformed back to the nature of Adam in the Garden.
But the majority of mankind doesn’t want to go back to the Garden. They enjoy the knowledge of good AND evil, and the right to choose whatever sounds good and feels good. Where is relationship in all of this, the “walking with Yahushua” in the “cool of the day?” It’s not there. Fallen angels came along and taught man “religion.” He’s been the teacher for most ever since.
We know that Yahuwah is just and righteous, fair, merciful, full of compassion, kind, gentle, loving, and yet a Father who has to judge and punish to purge out His real children from the fakes.
This is an edifying article that opens the door to the one main emotion that runs off the enemy more than any other – more than peace, more than compassion, mercy, forgiveness, or righteous anger. Joy just flat runs off fallen angels, Nephilim, and sinful intentions of man, for there is no way to attack it, or take it down, or shut it off. It is impervious to fear, terror, condemnation, threats, or violence. IF, IF, IF the source of it is John 7:37-39–the Spirit of Yahuwah within a re-born spirit gushing out like a powerful fountain that has no end to its water of life. It is Yahuwah Himself confronting the enemy for you, through your re-born spirit. Joy overtakes the fears of the mind, the trauma, the hopelessness, the not-knowing, and terror, the words of terror. It shuts all that down and speak to the enemy who knows Yahuwah is in control and not the humanity of the ones they want to destroy.
It is the “power of His might,” or His “mightiness.” It confounds the enemy – he can’t penetrate to frighten or discourage or harm in any way. Will you let this power flow out of you?
Tonight begins the 11th Hebrew month of Sh’vat – Happy Rosh Chodesh!
In His love, Yedidah
January 15, 2021