Greetings, blessings!

“It’s Harvest Time! We Will Reap What We Have Sown,” is #145.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

This was written August 1st, Sunday, after listening to the morning Prayer Call.

In those community Prayer Calls, there is first of all time given for testimonies, then a message is given, then comments received, then prayer to close things out with final comments. Sunday morning, yesterday, August 1st, my daughter-in-law taught on the power our words to shape the course of our lives. It was an amazing message. I was really amazed at the depth of her teaching on this subject. So often this subject is presented so shallow and for personal gain – even flowing into “the name it and claim it” deceptions.

Because of the anointing on this morning’s uniting of people from many places to hear this message, our usual 6:00-7:30 or 8:00 went from 6:00 to 9:15. The time went so fast because of the loving unity among us, and the peace it brought. So, after I had breakfast, I wrote this article from the anointing of that meeting. Just now getting it posted at 10:10 PM August 2nd.

My daughter-in-law, Rebecca, read from Galatians 5 in The Passion Translation – excellent amplification of the fruit of the re-born spirit and life in the Spirit of Yahuwah. The article is a bit long because I took a side trail to explain verse 18. I knew verse 18 would raise the temperature of some Messianic believers if I did not explain. Even though the verse is a correct translation, however, read from English culture and not explained from 1st century Hebrew culture, it gives a false view of what Sha’ul/Paul was saying. I wrote the article “Paul” in his defense, because of the insanity going on among Messianic believers who want to take all the letters of Sha’ul out of the New Testament. Stupid! Ignorance reigns as man listens to man and has no mind to seek Yahuwah’s opinion.

I don’t want anyone ignorant, so I wrote also Putting Torah in Its Proper Place (Amazon Kindle, or the Mikvah of the Covenant) which in part is a defense of the Apostle Sha’ul. So much of Galatians and Romans, etc. are rejected because of translation from the Roman Vulgate, and man’s opinions from a totally ignorant blindside of Hebrew culture. This ignorance has caused so many divisions of thinking among true believers. But people reject the infilling of the Spirit, and He is the One who leads us into all truth. I John 2 tells us that we don’t need man to teach us – just the Spirit. Religion can lead to true insanity at its highest demonic level, making utter fools of Yahuwah children.

Thus, sane dear ones, the article went 2 pages longer than I had expected, because I wanted to explain verse 18. In my podcasts on Acts, at least chapters 20-28, the arrest of Sha’ul and his defense against the Pharisee accusations before Roman judiciaries, shows us definitely Sha’ul’s stand on the Torah of Yahuwah. In His defense, he had to stand against the Oral Law, Traditions of the Pharisees from Babylon that became the basis of the Babylonian Talmud of today’s rabbinic faith. He made defense of Yahuwah’s Torah over and over – which the Romans understood. The Pharisees also understood, but because he was promoting what they thought they killed, i.e. Messiah, they felt to get rid of him, too.

Sha’ul was a very Torah-guarding man. He guarded the Torah of Yahuwah, not the Oral law that degenerate man created in Babylon and passed off as from Moses. That began rabbinic Judaism in 133 CE under rabbi Akiva.

Please for real clear understanding, read “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and It’s Link to Rome.” That will answer so many of your questions. I think it is under “Present Reality.” We must only be taught by the Spirit within our re-born spirit for absolute Truth.

I love our unity at the Prayer Center because we are Spirit-taught, and so the whole Word unites in perfect unity, as per John 17.

The teaching that I pass on to you can be life changing IF you put in to practice. I’ve written so many articles to set you free from your carnal nature – and from demonic oppression — wisdom learned from years of suffering because of own rebellion. I’ve learned what works, and what doesn’t.

Religious pride and arrogance, intellectual belief, elevating ones’ self above others is no more than viper-seed Phariseeism, as Messiah proclaimed in Matthew 23, and Yochanan the baptizer proclaimed in Matthew 3. It is the reason for Yahuwah’s anger in Isaiah 1. It is the reason why He has nothing to do with those who make His instructions into a religion yet do not seek to know Him. So, perhaps this article will serve two purposes.

I have a very hard time with English translations from the Latin anyway – using terms that really pervert the true meaning of things. Yet, we see that in satanic religions that seem benign, but are not, anger, pride, hate, and arrogance, are the nature of those who hide behind it for their identity. I’ve just seen to much – lived with varying degrees of satanism for most of 30 years not knowing what I was experiencing, just that it was hell on earth. So, I pass onto you what Yahuwah has taught me. Not to condemn, but to set people free. I share with you wisdom that I learned the hard way because of my stubbornness. I share with you the joys of what will set you free. My great desire is that His people be free of the entanglements of man’s control, and know the freedom of the Spirit’s control.

In His love, for He is love, Yedidah

August 2, 2021

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